Best Horror Film?

Best Horror Film?

  • Pyscho

  • Alien

  • The Shining

  • The Thing

  • The Exorcist

  • Halloween

  • Get Out

  • Saw

  • 28 Days Later...

  • The Others

  • The Omen

  • The Conjuring

  • The Evil Dead

  • A Nightmare on Elm Street

  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

  • Jacob's Ladder

  • Carrie

  • Poltergeist

  • The Ring

  • Other (specify)

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The Exorcist

The first time I saw Jurassic park I was like, holy FUCK! Before that, a dinosaur was claymation or a guy in a suit, or something along those lines. Horror movies have that same Holy Shit moments. Psycho, Night of the living dead, The Exorcist, Halloween, The Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Blair Witch all brought something no one really seen before, and as much as they might be tamer by todays standards, they were truly frighting when they came out. And as such, it makes this poll very difficult to rate unless you seen these movies at the time they debuted.
The first time I saw Jurassic park I was like, holy FUCK! Before that, a dinosaur was claymation or a guy in a suit, or something along those lines. Horror movies have that same Holy Shit moments. Psycho, Night of the living dead, The Exorcist, Halloween, The Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Blair Witch all brought something no one really seen before, and as much as they might be tamer by todays standards, they were truly frighting when they came out. And as such, it makes this poll very difficult to rate unless you seen these movies at the time they debuted.
Man I loved Jurassic Park when it first came out, I remember watching it at the cinema and then telling everyone about it at my school and I went again with some different friends a week later. I was fascinated by Dinosaurs for a year after that movie, and I even used to go into the local park and dig little holes to look for dinosaur bones haha. Never found any though sad to say :D :D
I went with Jacob's Ladder altough Event Horizion and In the Mouth of Madness are good there is just something about H.P. Lovecraft style movies that freak me out more then just shock horror.
Alien’s not *really* a horror.
I watched The Shining for the first time last year and really didn’t get the fuss. I thought Event Horizon was better.
I voted Halloween, but the original "Strangers" has to be the best I've seen in some time. It legit freaked me out because I live in the middle of nowhere.
The thing and shining have a lot of votes, but i've never been scared watching those movies. They were more about building suspense and being generally creepy.
Alien’s not *really* a horror.
I watched The Shining for the first time last year and really didn’t get the fuss. I thought Event Horizon was better.

I mean I quite like Event Horizon(at least the first half) but...

The Shining... because Kubrick, Nicholson and King.

Hostel should be there.
Get Out is a retarded movie.
Some classics in that list.
I remember The Omen and it was good.

Hostel should definitely not be there.
Goddamn—HALLOWEEN getting no love?


I voted Halloween. Honestly, I consider Alien or the Shining to be the best films on the list, but neither of them are purely horror films so I voted Halloween, which I have always praised as my favorite of the horror world.
The Shining... because Kubrick, Nicholson and King.

Hostel should be there.
Get Out is a retarded movie.
Some classics in that list.
I remember The Omen and it was good.

Thank you. Hostel is such a great movie. It boggles my mind how Get Out is so loved. I thought it was a 6/10 at best.
Nailed it.

I was wondering the other day, was there ever a horror movie where they didn't follow all the dumb cliches? Even Scream was beholden to them, for all its self-awareness. Yet another reason to love this movie.

The sad thing was that this movie bombed in the theaters when it came out. It came out the same year as E.T. and was criticized for being overly grotesque. The director ,Carpetner, was gutted over how it was received by both critics and moviegoers and it is often is said that he never put in the same sort of effort after that.
MRW The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is getting beat by The Ring and is neck and neck with The Conjuring.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is my A E S T H E T I C







The Exorcist and The Shining are played out, they always win these lists. They're always number one and number two. I disagree, strongly. #NotMyGOATs. Good films, The Shining is a mainstay in my top ten, but the way they run away with these lists every. single. time. is annoying. The Thing has been joining them in recent years (online anyway)...the internet has fallen head over heels for it. It's great, I love it. But in a way it's become a bit overrated, which I don't like saying (the fact every second person says it's the best thing ever in human history). It's a shame the love isn't spread out a bit more to other great films.

1. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
2. Halloween
3. Suspiria
4. The Thing
5. The Fly
6. The Shining
7. Lifeforce
8. Eyes Without A Face
9. Santa Sangre
10. The Wicker Man

Runner ups.

Videodrome, Rosemarys Baby, The Innocents, Alien, Black Sunday, Martyrs, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Gremlins, Salems Lot, Zombie Flesh Eaters, Inside, Halloween III: Season of the Witch, From Beyond, Dagon, Poltergeist, The Evil Dead, Re-Animator, The Descent, Dog Soldiers.
Thank you. Hostel is such a great movie. It boggles my mind how Get Out is so loved. I thought it was a 6/10 at best.

Get Out & IT are two horror movies for people that don't like Horror movies, that's my opinion. Both were mediocre. How they get so much love is beyond me. On IMDB they both have some GOD TIER ratings for horror films. It's crazy.

I'm not saying that to be snobby or elitist. Just saying, I'm a huge horror fan. Those two films got some major 'main stream success' they broke out of the niche market, tonnes of non-horror fans went to see them.

The Ritual bested both of them for the best Horror film of 2017. Comfortably to at that.