Best hangover food

Pho gets the job done
20 chicken mcnuggets, and then throw up and go to sleep
Unless you have to get up and go to work...

If you can eat after a session then you are not hanging and have not seshed hard enough.

I've had times where I legit thought I was gonna die and the thought of food make me wanna be sick.

I don't think there was ever a time in my life I set that as a goal.

I drank hard and I drank often, but I rarely drank stupid, and almost never had problems eating the next day.
oh yeah, definitely go greasy or deep fried. I had one of the worst hangovers of my life. third day running and I force fed myself some mozzarella sticks and near instantly felt better. Soaks up all that leftover unprocessed alcohol.

carbonated beverage at the same time helps things along.
Mine used to be water and motrin. I am now allergic to nsaids, so motrin, advil, aleve a nono for me. Also zantac helped me sleep better.
I don't think there was ever a time in my life I set that as a goal.

I drank hard and I drank often, but I rarely drank stupid, and almost never had problems eating the next day.
I've come away from that sort of drinking now to be honest, the line was crossed when I ended up in hospital on the drip for emergency rehydration.

Just ain't enjoyable when you can't remember a thing or pass out.
Anyway Campechana de Mariscos with beer.


They say greasy food helps but doesnt works for me.
All the asian, soupy concoctions being thrown around as good hang over foods is cringe worthy. Good foods no doubt but if im hung over the last thing i want to eat is something that's going to resemble my morning whiskey shits.

Assuming this is breakfast, eggs benedict hands down.

If it's any other meal