Ben Saunders' words on him being removed off of UFC roster.

Idk, this is all new to me and the UFC, so who knows how it will all be worked out, or if this will be the new normal procedure. I don't know all the details of it, so your guess is as good as mine.
Either way it stinks. People will still make excuses for him lol. Aw well I hope you're feeling better soon and get picked up and paid!

Edit: also thanks for coming on taking the time to speak to us Ben
Either way it stinks. People will still make excuses for him lol. Aw well I hope you're feeling better soon and get picked up and paid!

Edit: also thanks for coming on taking the time to speak to us Ben

I am good man, Life is good, yeah the UFC news is unfortunate, but my family and training is great now. That's what makes me happy. Now I'm looking forward to getting back in there. :)
Fav ben saunders moments
Going bruce lee on milk jug mac
Being the first to ko marcus davis
Being the first to win by omolata
Going anderson on brandon wolfe
Hahahahaha WU represent!
Still bump 36 chambers of death whenever im driving, greatest album of all time. Hope all goes well Ben, I got my fingers crossed we get to see you grace the octagon again. Good luck for the future K.B.
I am good man, Life is good, yeah the UFC news is unfortunate, but my family and training is great now. That's what makes me happy. Now I'm looking forward to getting back in there. :)
You'll get signed up in no time! Glad you're feeling better :)
So everyone can indulge.... Lol

can you use your alphaness to make that Martin Shkreli douche release the Wu*Tang album he owns the sole copy of?
Saunders is a nice dude. Unfortunate that he is in such situation. I'm sure he will fight through it!
Ben, don't worry. If things don't work out, grow a moustache, buy a grey suit and you will be fine!
Ben, contact Rizin. Stat!

Fcuk USADA! Get in contact with Angel Heredia and win the open weight tournament!
Do I get a any brownie points since it was written right after a grueling training session, while trying to figure out last minute how the hell to write something out that explained as much as I could, while also having it be a true personal perspective, and attempt to make sense of a situation like this, to a bunch of people who may or may not understand. Lol

Yes of course it could have been less, but that is the cliff notes as best I could write on short notice. Maybe I could have proofread it a few more times, but whats done is done I suppose. :)

Nah, it was perfectly cogent. It's not your fault Sherdog reads at a 3rd grade level :p

Hope to see you back in the big show soon, man. There has to be a wrestler or two they can cut.
Goddammit, my girlfriend gives me less insight into her life than this dude posting to strangers on the net.
Guy always seemed like a likeable dork, kind of like Seth Petruzelli. I wish him luck in his future endeavors.
Goddammit, my girlfriend gives me less insight into her life than this dude posting to strangers on the net.

There is nothing wrong to tell your story (on the biggest mma forum) so you temper any rumors.
So he didn't ask for a fight for a good while, and when he did he first had to be tested for 4 months and that would've taken too long, so they rather replaced him with someone who would be able to fight sooner? Makes no sense. That new guy would have to be tested, too.
So he didn't ask for a fight for a good while, and when he did he first had to be tested for 4 months and that would've taken too long, so they rather replaced him with someone who would be able to fight sooner? Makes no sense. That new guy would have to be tested, too.

From what I understand reading this thread, Ben's contract expired after his last fight (in Janurary) and a new contract was never sorted out. So for Ben to fight again at 202, Ben would have needed the 4 month exemption, as he has not been tested by USADA since Janurary. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!

I still don't get why the UFC can't just offer Ben a new contract and sort out another fight in the near future.
Sucks that he was cut, he did not deserve to be cut.
Win or lose, Killa B always delivers exciting fights. Hope he bounces back and gets the mind right for warfare soon. I see him back in the UFC sooner rather than later. Just needs to get back into the USADA testing pool. Look at the guy, not exactly the body of a juicer with that lanky frame.

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