Being short isn't that bad

Unfortunately for short guys, women don't walk barefoot in real life anymore.
Rogan shoes are a 1/2 foot plus he stands in his toes, thats a known fact.

He is Arianes size

looking at the pic hes clearly shorter
Rogan decided if he wasn't going to get taller he'd get wider.
Its not the size of Man that counts, its the size of the fight inside the Man that does.
You got some nerve using a regular sized font. No one's buying it. Knock it down to 2pt next time.
Glad to see manlets feel empowered standing next to midget women <HisEye>

You guys are great you really are.

And don’t let anyone tell you any different.

You really are adorable.
You're still taller than most of the women. Here's Joe Rogan who is considered short, but he's towering over Valentina makes her look like a hobbit

Joe Rogan is 5 foot 7 at the very best. He also often wears shoe lifts. Valentina is 5 foot 4, no taller