Bands whose albums you still buy.....

Chad The Limey

Mar 14, 2008
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....even though they're years past their prime.

You keep on buying each new release out of some misguided sense of loyalty, or in the vain hope they're going to suddenly return to form after years of creative inertia....

Mine is Korn ☹️ Even though they haven't made a great record since "Follow The Leader".... even though I'm decades past being an angry teenager...

What's yours?
Rolling Stones

I haven't got their blues album yet though.
Alice in Chains and Black Label Society
Only one - Bob Dylan. The fucking guy's team is so clever I can never find the entire albums for free online.
Pixies.. whatever they release and anything Johnny Marr does.
A bit harsh, dude. I know that AIC will never top "Dirt", but I thought "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" was solid from top to bottom
What? Other then Check my Brain I think Black Gives Way to Blue is better then The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here. As for "prime" AIC prime was 20+ years ago with a 14 year hiatus in there without any new music other then Jerry's solo stuff. I'm not saying it's bad I think these last two albums are better overall then the self titled album but sounds alot like Degradation Trip Volumes 1&2 other then AIC which isn't a bad thing just different. Jerry is pretty much the main driving force now and his way of writting lyrics for the music is alot different then the way Layne did it so the songs sound well less depressing and bleak.
It's been years since i bought a new album. I bought some old 'new albums' within the last few years, but usually i'll just buy songs. I consider purchasing new Morrissey albums, but his albums just haven't been that good for awhile now. Maybe a couple decent songs, but i still love his other stuff.
Tool...oh wait.
Honestly.. there isn't really anyone I can think of here.
I don't buy albums I don't like. There are bands I enjoy, have even loved, but if the album is weak i won't buy it. Like say Weezer, first three albums, great, the next one was fine, not as good as the others, had some good songs, but you could feel a turn; then a poppy sound that wasn't classic Weezer took over for years and I didn't buy a single one of the albums. Suddenly Everything Will Be Alright in the End and the White album hit and it was like their first three albums and I bought them, then the Pacific Daydream album from this year was a return to their cheesy pop years and I didn't buy that one.
I buy hundreds of records a year... I'll buy everything put out by quite a few bands...
Joanna Newsom
Lana Del Rey

That's pretty much it. I still buy music from time to time, but it's generally not the new release of an artist I'm following.
Metallica. Still can make an ok album (every 8 years) but wouldn’t say its memorable stuff. Megadeth on the other hand continue to make great albums and much more frequently (other than Poopercollider).
Tricky. He's been rubbish for years but when your prime was so hot... continually fingers crossed.
Maybe Garbage if there are a lot of good songs based on the short samples.

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