Multiplatform Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Yes, I do.
Is accusing those you disagree with of being incels always your first debating tactic, even with videogames?
Just saying, if you've woken up next to a woman regularly you'd know that dolled up version isn't what they actually look like. Wouldn't expect a female in feudal Japan to look like that. Wouldn't expect a female of any country back then to look like that.

In fact, wouldn't expect any woman from any previous era to look like that. That's some modern glam shit.

Edit: women in feudal Japan did wear makeup at times but it looked like this:

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Just saying, if you've woken up next to a woman regularly you'd know that dolled up version isn't what they actually look like.

I actually prefer women to wear less, or even no makeup. Surely you could tell the differences between those two pics other than one is wearing makeup, right?

Watching the trailer, without knowing there was a female playable character, I was questioning if that was a woman or effeminate man, by Japanese standards. Long hair is a popular hairstyle for male playable japanese characters.

Wouldn't expect a female in feudal Japan to look like that. Wouldn't expect a female of any country back then to look like that.

In fact, wouldn't expect any woman from any previous era to look like that. That's some modern glam shit.

Simmer down about the makeup, besides that it corrects her androgynous features to look more feminine.
*Black Samurai (Tokenization & DEI)
*Androgynous Female Ninja. (Trans activism)
*Absurd Pricing.
*Gaming Journalist being shills for Ubisoft. (Gamergate 2.0)

...and now...

*Sweet Baby Inc (Or just a leftist activist) is the lead writer.

They're just giving reasons after reasons to never want to play this game on principle, regardless if it actually is good or great.

Are we supposed to know who this person is? All I see is a random Asian chick. Apparently she wrote for Odyssey:

Edit: so apparently the outrage is because she follows Sweet Baby Inc on Twitter?
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Simmer down about the makeup, besides that it corrects her androgynous features to look more feminine.
No, it's literally some modern glam shit. You wouldn't see anyone looking like that 40 years ago let alone in the 16th century. The pic I posted is what makeup looked like back then.
Are we supposed to know who this person is? All I see is a random Asian chick. Apparently she wrote for Odyssey:

We know who she is now.

And the writing in Odyssey was straight up bad.

Its the only modern AC game I've played, so I can't compare it to the rest of the series.
We know who she is now.

And the writing in Odyssey was straight up bad.

Its the only modern AC game I've played, so I can't compare it to the rest of the series.

Why tho? Why is this woman being singled out and harassed over a game that hasnt even come out yet?
No, it's literally some modern glam shit. You wouldn't see anyone looking like that 40 years ago let alone in the 16th century. The pic I posted is what makeup looked like back then.
It's this trend in the online gamer space to turn every female game character into generic anime waifu trash

No, it's literally some modern glam shit. You wouldn't see anyone looking like that 40 years ago let alone in the 16th century. The pic I posted is what makeup looked like back then.

Makeup is the only differences you see between the two pics?

Look closer.

And no, she's a female ninja, not a geisha.
Why tho? Why is this woman being singled out and harassed over a game that hasnt even come out yet?

First, no one gives a shit she's a woman.
If she was a man, with pronouns in his bio and following SBI on twitter he'd be getting just as much shit.

Second, its because gamers have had it with leftist activists in influential positions of game development, because their political agenda is a far higher priority to them over their quality of the game.

See Suicide Squad, and numerous other DEI-quota filled games over the last few years.
Dorks will fight about anything.

It’s EA and will be some bloated caca, regardless of the cast. Everyone is incels or chuds now lol
I personally think making Yasuke the main male character was a mistake for a WHOLE host of reasons. But let's keep it a buck. Everyone complaining about 'asian male representation' Didn't have shit to say when they were playing Nioh.

View attachment 1044317

Yes where was the complaints of asian male erasure when you were playing as a white englishman who probably never even swung a sword in battle?

Once again @Killer Kadoogan and all the other 'gamers' who claim to care about race in gaming are hypocrites.
It's the purposeful erasure of the male character. The female protagonist is going to be the child of a real famous ninja. Historically the child was actually a male. They could have used the male version of that character and picked a famous female samurai folk hero. I don't think the western gaming industry can get away with another Tom Cruise Last Samurai type protagonist. That type of westerner savior trope of coming to save backwards people in a far land is not going to really fly in today's world. Maybe if it's a Japanese production and they want to cater to western game players. That is another story. Ubisoft knew what they are doing with the Yasuke character. They could have Yasuke in the story as a side character in the main game then as a playable character in a DLC.

In the end if the game is fire then the majority that are grumbling will be willing to forgive. Even with the questionable pricing and pay walling content. Some of the game mechanics seem interesting. The AI can detect shadows from lights and the game will have less blocking since it would be "dishonorable". There is also a grappling hook mechanic to coast around like Batman/Spiderman. They are also making the game available to play offline which is an improvement.
*Black Samurai (Tokenization & DEI)
*Androgynous Female Ninja. (Trans activism)
*Absurd Pricing.
*Gaming Journalist being shills for Ubisoft. (Gamergate 2.0)

...and now...

*Sweet Baby Inc (Or just a leftist activist) is the lead writer.

They're just giving reasons after reasons to never want to play this game on principle, regardless if it actually is good or great.

Yeah... Sweet baby inc. being involved confirms it. This is just more box ticking "inclusivity". It's forced and disingenuous but the game will probably be shit anyway, so whatever.
Sure bro.

The only posts I've ever seen if yours is when yiu're crying for my attention.

You've contributed absolutely nothing to any discussion on Sherdog.

Well obviously you're going to see the posts where I'm specifically tagging you. Do you think the majority of my posts are about you? I'd love to see some proof of that.

But you won't provide any of it obviously.
Why don't you think Yasuke is a good main character?

I think Yasuke is fine, I don't really care. If you think it looks cool, buy it. If you don't think it looks cool, ignore it. I'll pick it up once it goes on sale and all the bugs have been worked out.

Tenchu was fine.

Yasuke was a sword bearer, all these depeictions of him being some elite fighting samurai machine are pure fiction from the minds of people like @GearSolidMetal Also as many others have pointed out. Why has every other AC game had a protaganist who is native to the area the game takes place in, and then suddenly now you have an african as the male lead of fuedal japan?

Also, this is a forum to discuss video games, just because I don't intend to buy something, it doesn't mean I can't discuss it.

Tenchu was more than fine, it's my favourite ninja game ever. All I said was the accents were inconsistent and that's part of a historical racist trope.
It was from a Japanese developer though.

That doesn't make it any more inclusive to asian male leads. If anything that makes it worse, they don't even have excuse of trying to appease an audience.
lmao, are you really comparing Team Ninja's intentions to Ubisoft?
I'm not talking about developer intentions, I'm talking about asian male reprsentation in asian settings.

Which is where Shadows and Nioh ARE comparable.

You had to once again shift the argument to american DEI training to dismiss my actual point.
Yasuke was a sword bearer, all these depeictions of him being some elite fighting samurai machine are pure fiction from the minds of people like @GearSolidMetal

Wow... you got whipped so badly earlier in the thread you completely randomly accused me of the believing something I don't believe and have never stated I believe.

This may be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in The Arcade.

I'm not talking about developer intentions, I'm talking about asian male reprsentation in asian settings.

Which is where Shadows and Nioh ARE comparable.

You had to once again shift the argument to american DEI training to dismiss my actual point.
Nioh was created by Japanese devs, it comes across as more genuine when they create a character like William or are you going to suggest they are self-hating?

Now compare that to the West that's had a history of erasing Asian men.

Look at this clip, they don't even bother to change the dialogue. It was clearly written for an Asian male lead. This is just one example of many, it seems Asian men are always ignored in favor of a white or black guy in Western media. Things are slowly changing but this just reminds people of trends from the past.

Wow... you got whipped so badly earlier in the thread you completely randomly accused me of the believing something I don't believe and have never stated I believe.

This may be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in The Arcade.


Did you just post a gif appluading yourself you insecure cuck?

Now where's the evidence that the majority of my posts are about you? I'm still waiting.