Are these UFC seats good?


Feb 25, 2016
Reaction score
Just asking anyone that would know about what the view is like from seats like this? Never been to a UFC event before. To me these look good because they're first row and the first elevated. Doesn't look like anything would be blocking the view but octagon looks kinda far.

Anyone that's been to a UFC event live know?

Pretty much every seat at a UFC event has its advantages and disadvantages. With yours its always awesome to be closer but your looking through the cage. Still good seats though.

Pretty good seats man. The two I went to were in the nose bleed section. Still had a damn good time. With those seats, you should have a blast.
Best seats for a UFC event:

Yes. Better than floor. I sat about the same spot and I could see all the action and anything behind the post I could look up at a big screen right near me
best seats at the united center imo. been to 3 events there and those were my favs. I'm a section over tomorrow
Lol. Must be your first event. You'll have to look through the cage. There will most likely be a pole in your way to. Meaning you wont be able to see much, youll have to look at the big screen. So basically you paid $186 + fees + parking to basically be at a bar and watch it on a tv surrounded by a bunch of drunks. Beers will be $10 each, only budweiser so you can gaurentee a headache and forget about getting a shot unless you wanna walk 20 minutes amd wait in line and pay amother $12. Then again though, im sure there will be 3 woman fights amd thats as good a time as any to go get a shot, or take a shit, or have a smoke or basically anything rather then have to sit through that garbage. You got ripped off but youll have fun. Enjoy!
Awesome seats. Just hope that you're not in the area where the cameramen stand during the fight. They will block your view.
Lol. Must be your first event. You'll have to look through the cage. There will most likely be a pole in your way to. Meaning you wont be able to see much, youll have to look at the big screen. So basically you paid $186 + fees + parking to basically be at a bar and watch it on a tv surrounded by a bunch of drunks. Beers will be $10 each, only budweiser so you can gaurentee a headache and forget about getting a shot unless you wanna walk 20 minutes amd wait in line and pay amother $12. Then again though, im sure there will be 3 woman fights amd thats as good a time as any to go get a shot, or take a shit, or have a smoke or basically anything rather then have to sit through that garbage. You got ripped off but youll have fun. Enjoy!
Negative outlook?