are diehard Conor fans embarrassed by his antics at bellator?


Conor makes me laugh most of the time with his antics and I always root for him in fights. Don't know about diehard that said. To the point, I found his behaviour egotistic and despicable.
I was embarrassed. I thought him shoving the ref was embarrassing, and him slapping the official was even worse.
are diehard Conor fans embarrassed by his antics at bellator? or do they think it was "cool"?
Conor fans arent capable of feeling embarrassment. If they did they wouldnt be Conor fans.
The only person who should be embarrassed is Conor. He acted like a drunk and entitled child who needed to be the center of attention.

No need to be embarrassed for him, unless you are living vicariously through him...which I guess some people are.
I'm rarely ever shocked at what a fighter does outside of the cage. It takes a special someone to even be in this sport. What ever that is, there usually a little off.
I think the Conor dissenters/ haters, are excited.

Conor fans, par for the course.

Common sense.
We're sitting here … I'm supposed to be the MVP FIGHTER, and we're in here talking about BELLATOR. I mean, listen, we're talking about BELLATOR. Not THE UFC. Not THE UFC. Not THE UFC. We're talking about BELLATOR. Not THE UFC. Not THE UFC that I go out there and die for and FIGHT EVERY FIGHT like it's my last. Not THE UFC. We're talking about BELLATOR, man.

I mean how silly is that. And we're talking about BELLATOR. I know I'm supposed to NOT FUCK UP. I know I'm supposed to lead by example. I know that and I'm not shoving it aside, you know, like it don't mean anything. I know it's important. I do, I honestly do. But we're talking about BELLATOR, man. What are we talking about? BELLATOR? We're talking about BELLATOR, man?"
The ones who were posting shit like "WE did it!" after Conor beat Eddie, are the type of people that can't be embarrassed.
God I hate when fans say any sport. But in MMA it's even sadder
This should be a poll TS..............It would be interesting to see the results.
I didn't like it. I thought he behaved like a petulant child- and a prick.
Conman McCircus makes me embarrassed to say "I'm an MMA fan" in public.

His coke-fueled circus acts give MMA a shitty reputation. It makes it seem more like some pro-wrestling freak show than a genuine sport.
Probably not - they count getting brain damage and being carried by floyd while looking like a fucking buffoon as a moral victory.
Any respectable person would find that embarrassing. Dude slapped an official, pushed a ref, knocked into a guy that just got concussed, and made the whole fight he wasn't apart of about himself.