Anyone else concerned about Sage dropping out of college to do MMA full-time?

whaaat ?
no, actually i give two shits about that passive agressive creepy looking about to go full columbine ken doll
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Such a naive comment. There are so many studies that show that a college/university degree equates to a higher lifetime wage and less unemployment.

Well first off I don't disagree with that statement, however many of my close friends (around half I would say) that have graduated are either underemployed, unemployed and are struggling to find meaningful work (including myself). If I could go back in time, I would have easily opted for a trade or vocational school instead of traditional college/university degree with a shitload of debt and no guarantee of job. My one friend that opted for a trade is doing welding and making more money than the majority of my close friends right now. My friends that do have jobs right now are fortunate enough to have their parents put in a good word for them, or just have a position waiting for them at their company. So unless you're choosing a really solid major (not liberal arts), or are privileged, I would say school is pretty overrated.


I also have no doubt in my mind Sage's media exposure through the UFC will vastly open up more doors for him than his engineering degree. I would switch places with him in a heartbeat.
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Fighting has a very small window of opportunity. I think this is the best move he can do at this point of his career if he is serious about this MMA thing. He's got alot of hours he needs to spend on the mat thats for sure. Like others have stated already, school aint going nowhere, but if wants to perform at the highest level in fighting he cannot half-ass his input.

Is normal.
He can always go back. Its pretty unlikely that if he put his MMA career on hold that he'd have the opportunity to make 70k a fight in like three or four years.
Lots of fighters were at college or comunity college (Is that the same in the States? because in my country the only difference is being public or private, and public schools are way better)
I think that is a mistake. Especially if his dad is going to continue to control him.
1. It s none of my business
2. Who gives a fuck?!

He can always re-enroll in school. Continue his degree. Go on as nothing happened. Even if he washed out of MMA at 25 he'd STILL be young as fuck.

But you only get one shot to dive all in at this MMA game. Might as well fully commit yourself.
his family is supportive and have money, he has plenty to fall back on and can still re-enroll in school

but yeah his ground game sucks
good. maybe full time training will make him atleast improve a tiny bit as a fighter. he could probs be champion in regional circuit level shows.
His window of being a professional athlete is pretty small compared to going to college. Many start their college career in their late 20's or 30's.

Plus, if he makes decent money in MMA, he won't have to worry about taking out tons of loans to finance his college education.

And yes, I believe high school athletes should be able to forego college and go straight to the pros.
i dont know if i would call texas a&m a "great" university.

but regardless, even when he was still a student, he was barely one apparently as he was still dedicating a lot of time to martial arts. I think for someone like him, it's probably a risk worth taking.

one thing not to forget is that college isnt for everyone. and a lot of people end up picking and easier major and graduate with a worthless degree. iirc, he was in an engineering program, but his course load was way less than what it normally is and i imagine its quite likely he wasnt getting a very good education in a real engineering major and wouldnt have been competitive with how slowly he would have graduated.
Unless you have a degree in accounting or some field of engineering, college for the most part is vastly overrated. Besides, being in the UFC will open all sorts of doors for him. I'm sure he'll be on a new season of Dancing with the Stars alongside Paige. Big moneys there if this UFC thing don't work out.

I love the humanities, but a humanities degree isn't worth the paper it's written on. Go get a library card and a list of 100 great books instead.
Texas A&M, ya..."great" school.
But to answer the question yeah he is hot but NOT THAT HOT , his face leaves much to be desired.