Any Audible audiobook recommandations ?


Purple Belt
Mar 21, 2016
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I've got 3 audio credits to use before I stop my subscription. Btw use them before cancelling your subscription or they disappear. Yep.

Mainly I've listened to self help books (Deep Work, the 7 habits, atomic habits etc.), got a bit bored of those. Started history books but I'm out of idea. I like to learn things so maybe there are some history audiobook I havent considered ?

I'm also open to any lighter suggestions, actually I think I would prefer it, bit tired of the serious books. I listen to it when I workout or go jogging for the most part. I'm actually considering Rickson's Gracie's book - Breathe - or the Hagakure about the samurai way ?

Can't wait for the great suggestions about Matt Hugues autobiography, bring it
Sun Tzu: The Art of War
I’m going to be honest the Grey Man series of books are so addicting.

The guy that narrates it is top notch. He does male/female voices plus any accent you can think of.
I wanna know what @Slobodan thinks.
He worked for years recording audio books.
Mostly homo erotics and children's books.
and a few Jackie Collins books. He was /is a huge fan.
He really has the voice for it. A natural I am told
I wanna know what @Slobodan thinks.
He worked for years recording audio books.
Mostly homo erotics and children's books.
and a few Jackie Collins books. He was /is a huge fan.
He really has the voice for it. A natural I am told
I would recommend Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

It was adapted into a film of the same name directed by the Wachowski Brothers (eh sisters I guess) which is a very ambitious film.

But it's a cool theme, inter-connected stories told throughout different ages.
I only got 3 I think the Springsteen book, an Ali book and, well, i might only have two. the springsteen book is wonderful, the ali book is mediocre and the author is an egghead.
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut - narrated by John Malkovich. Never seen a better pairing of authors style and narration.

You seem to like Self Help type stuff also so ill recommend the Dhammapada by Eknath Easwar. The way he explains concepts and relates them to science and psychology is pretty great.
I've got 3 audio credits to use before I stop my subscription. Btw use them before cancelling your subscription or they disappear. Yep.

Mainly I've listened to self help books (Deep Work, the 7 habits, atomic habits etc.), got a bit bored of those. Started history books but I'm out of idea. I like to learn things so maybe there are some history audiobook I havent considered ?

I'm also open to any lighter suggestions, actually I think I would prefer it, bit tired of the serious books. I listen to it when I workout or go jogging for the most part. I'm actually considering Rickson's Gracie's book - Breathe - or the Hagakure about the samurai way ?

Can't wait for the great suggestions about Matt Hugues autobiography, bring it
Homo sapiens, the bitcoin standard, psycho cybernetics, way of the peaceful warrior, the sovereign individual, the ape that understood the universe.

Thanks for the suggestions sherbros. now I might have to extend my subscription period

Use libby or hoopla free with a library card.
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut - narrated by John Malkovich. Never seen a better pairing of authors style and narration.

You seem to like Self Help type stuff also so ill recommend the Dhammapada by Eknath Easwar. The way he explains concepts and relates them to science and psychology is pretty great.
I went to look into breakfast of champions and it seems a huge part of the book is the dudes illustrations it say so much so he forgoes explaining things. Interesting you suggested it. Is it that good?
I went to look into breakfast of champions and it seems a huge part of the book is the dudes illustrations it say so much so he forgoes explaining things. Interesting you suggested it. Is it that good?

I think one of the best parts is listening to the narrator describing the drawings. It's a bit absurdist but Vonnegut is great.
Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman
Space Team by Barry J Hutchison

^^^very funny stuff

Life by Keith Richards
Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
Surrender: 40 Songs, One story by Bono
Who I Am by Pete Townsend