Ann Wolfe Was A Beast (Check Out This KO!)


Sep 30, 2017
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That's one of the best KO's I've seen in a boxing match, male or female. That lanky bitch's eyes were rolling in the back of her head and everything lol. (Go to 1:28 to see the incoming knockout.)
her and lucia ryker are the only women i have ever seen with the ability to really hit.
yeah ann is for real.

i loved her in 24/7, talking about canelo: "that little redheaded motherfucker can fight!"
Id add Katie Taylor to that as well

saw katie taylor sparring at my gym today and can confirm she hits and moves really well. she was sparring a male welterweight and it was basically even, hard sparring too.
I know its me, but its just unsettling to see a woman get brutally KO'd like that, unless of course, its Rhonda Rousy <45>
thats what happens when you walk onto a punch with your head up and chin out. wolf had tried the over hand right at least 3 times before that.