American minorities more likely to dislike Israel than whites. Why? Far left making it a race issue?

  • Thread starter SouthoftheAndes
  • Start date
Um, the West was busy laying the groundwork for Israel 40 years before the Irgun started (1931). Irgun members who became MPs were elected out in not too long.

Israel has no comparison to put them in likes with Hamas or Hezbollah, two terrorist organizations that did not die in the late 40s, but commit and support terrorism today.

Once again, hundreds of millions of muslims hem in 8.5 million Jews with a long history of pogroms, massacres and support for fascist states bent on destroying not only Israel, but all Jews, and it's the Jews who are the ones at fault in all of this, for doing far less than Hamas or Hezbollah would do if the tables were turned, in a tiny bit of land.

bravo, that's some horseshit reasoning.....

Of course its israelis who are at fault. You got people here in this very thread who are relenting and admitting their right to the land is one of conquest.

If i took 8.5 million people put them on the east coast of the US gave them nukes, the most advanced weapons and had them slowly taking more and more land building setttlements outside their borders, you think the 100s of millions of americans would have stood for it? Get real lol
This is what any israel claim to the land comes down to once you peel away the lies and bullshit like ancestral homeland. Its the right of might.

I'm a student of history and philosophy. This has literally been the case, since the dawn of man.

Even in the animal kingdom, two subspecies of animals competing for the same resources very rarely can coexist.

More often than not, the stronger, more dominant species kicks out the weaker.

This Marxist, socialist "multicultural" project happening in Europe is a recipe for disaster ... It fundamentally goes against human nature. You can't stop nature forever.
Nowadays white people are the least racist of all groups, hence why they accept the most immigrants from other nations and cultures.

That has nothing to do with being "more accepting" the average white voter never voted for more immigration. Governments have planned more immigration as part of a wider geopolitical strategy. - the question of "do you want more immigration?" is never part of a political party's election manifesto.
Of course its israelis who are at fault. You got people here in this very thread who are relenting and admitting their right to the land is one of conquest.

If i took 8.5 million people put them on the east coast of the US gave them nukes, the most advanced weapons and had them slowly taking more and more land building setttlements outside their borders, you think the 100s of millions of americans would have stood for it? Get real lol

In the 1970s, Turkey invaded Cyprus and took over the north.

Turkey also conquered Constantinople by force.
Nowadays white people are the least racist of all groups, hence why they accept the most immigrants from other nations and cultures.
I don't know about the least racist, but certainly the most willing to give up their lands to others. For better or worse.
In the 1970s, Turkey invaded Cyprus and took over the north.

Turkey also conquered Constantinople by force.

Turkish invasion of constantinople happened in 1453. Ironically those turks also took in the jews when they were expelled from spain. Those turks are rolling in their graves right now loool

Nobody here is saying all the jews in israel should be kicked out. I'm saying they should stop conquering and colonizing the rest of palestine. These are religious claims to the land and they are already talking of 'greater israel' but nope cant do that because poor poor israel.
Turkish invasion of constantinople happened in 1453. Ironically those turks also took in the jews when they were expelled from spain. Those turks are rolling in their graves right now loool

Nobody here is saying all the jews in israel should be kicked out. I'm saying they should stop conquering and colonizing the rest of palestine. These are religious claims to the land and they are already talking of 'greater israel' but nope cant do that because poor poor israel.

If it wasn't for Pax Americana and bleeding heart liberals, Israel would just take over their whole shit.

When the west start to run out of money, as we eventually get swamped by Muslims and third world immigration, the world is going to look like a completely different place. It's only a matter of time before the wheels come off, and the next world war happens. IMO.
If it wasn't for Pax Americana and bleeding heart liberals, Israel would just take over their whole shit.

When the west start to run out of money, as we eventually get swamped by Muslims and third world immigration, the world is going to look like a completely different place. It's only a matter of time before the wheels come off, and the next world war happens. IMO.


Shit will hit the fan eventually. Look at the demographic numbers in Europe and the middle east ... the power grabbing from the left/Islam alliance ... Our governments should be working to reverse this before it's too late. But, they are just ignoring the elephant in the room and giving it to future generations to deal with.
Shit will hit the fan eventually. Look at the demographic numbers in Europe and the middle east ... the power grabbing from the left/Islam alliance ... Our governments should be working to reverse this before it's too late. But, they are just ignoring the elephant in the room and giving it to future generations to deal with.

If ww3 starts it will be because of another western military adventure that gets out of control. Either that or something over the south china sea/russian annexing one too many insignificant baltic states
Well that's your opinion on it. At this point if you don't like it go join Hamas or some shit, I don't care. Israel belongs to the Israelis whether you like it or not. Following your line of thinking regarding the Bretons or Greeks why wouldn't those arabs be another group displaced without a shit being given?

Oh I don't give a fuck about those people either. I'm just saying that the claim about Israel being the land of the djoooos because Abrahm said this and that is a pile of dog shit.

If Zionist lobbies said "fuck you we are occupying that land and deal with it" I would more likely accept it than the load of rubbish that Zionist lobbies have been pushing down our throat, with the help of the evangelical herd of cucks in the USA, etc.
Pretty much.

Or maybe because they sell weapons to a country that beheads soldiers and runs propaganda against another. No that can't be it. Israle and Jews can't do no wrong I forgot, they're God's chosen people lulz.

Turkey is one of the most moderate, liberal Muslim states, or as moderate an Islamic state can be.

Here's Iran. Mein Kampf alone does not do much, but the Muslim world has a history of anti semitism ablaze for hundreds of years either way.

Please dont bring Noam Chomsky to a foreign policy debate. His position is that the USA is the world's biggest terrorist state, because on matters of foreign policy, he reliably lets context and intention fly right the fuck over his head.

So Mein Kampf sales went through the roof sometime in 2005 in one Muslim country and that's evidence that anti-Semitism is entrenched in the Muslim world? Pretty weak argument. You'd think it was an instant hit since it was published in 1933. Why the 70+ year gap?

And the two imperialistic Abrahamic religions (Christianity and Islam) both have a long history of anti-Semitism. Huge discovery. The better question is, when and how do these strains get flared up? For Muslim anti-Semitism, Israel's aggression is a huge reason.

And if you don't like Chomsky, that's fine. Pretend that quote was written by anyone else. Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin, you name it. It doesn't make the argument any less true.

(Sidenote: Intention is completely meaningless in geopolitics because every single conquering and aggressive state in history has great and pure intentions. The Spanish and English slaughtering natives in the Americas, the French in Africa and Indochina, the Turks in Western Asia, the Nazis in Europe, etc., etc. They all had very pure and honorable intentions as they raped and pillaged)
So Mein Kampf sales went through the roof sometime in 2005 in one Muslim country and that's evidence that anti-Semitism is entrenched in the Muslim world? Pretty weak argument. You'd think it was an instant hit since it was published in 1933. Why the 70+ year gap?

And the two imperialistic Abrahamic religions (Christianity and Islam) both have a long history of anti-Semitism. Huge discovery. The better question is, when and how do these strains get flared up? For Muslim anti-Semitism, Israel's aggression is a huge reason.

And if you don't like Chomsky, that's fine. Pretend that quote was written by anyone else. Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, Vladimir Putin, you name it. It doesn't make the argument any less true.

(Sidenote: Intention is completely meaningless in geopolitics because every single conquering and aggressive state in history has great and pure intentions. The Spanish and English slaughtering natives in the Americas, the French in Africa and Indochina, the Turks in Western Asia, the Nazis in Europe, etc., etc. They all had very pure and honorable intentions as they raped and pillaged)
Of course its israelis who are at fault. You got people here in this very thread who are relenting and admitting their right to the land is one of conquest.

If i took 8.5 million people put them on the east coast of the US gave them nukes, the most advanced weapons and had them slowly taking more and more land building setttlements outside their borders, you think the 100s of millions of americans would have stood for it? Get real lol

Your analogy is quite wrong. If America had a history of slaughtering people on the East Coast, blaming every societal ill to the East Coast, I think the East Coast would have a right to defend itself, especially if the rest of the country pursued nuclear weapons, and routinely stated, state by state, that they wanted the East coast gone off the Earth.
Your analogy is quite wrong. If America had a history of slaughtering people on the East Coast, blaming every societal ill to the East Coast, I think the East Coast would have a right to defend itself, especially if the rest of the country pursued nuclear weapons, and routinely stated, state by state, that they wanted the East coast gone off the Earth.

You mean like how extremist israelis want to blow up the al aqsa mosque and kill arabs to cleanse the land?

My analogy was completely apt. It would be like people claiming native ancestry who live in foreign countries being backed by foreign powers colonizing the US and forcing americans to live in refugee camps in their own country. Bunch of bullshit lol.
Scanned over thread, saw typical "muh Zionist colonizers" arguments. Just want to point out he amount of land confiscated from the Jews in Arabia was 5x the size of modern Israel. We don't hear a peep abut that though.

BTW when the British divided Hindustan into India and Pakistan millions of people were kicked out of their homeland (virtually all non-Muslims were removed from Pakistan). Yet lefties do not run around crying that Pakistan is an illegitimate state and should be disbanded. It's a stunning act of hypocrisy.

And during that partition, there were some 2 million deaths, and 14 million people displaced. Yet, not a peep about it from the "anti-colonial" left. They reserve all their hate for one group alone, and then call others racist.
You mean like how extremist israelis want to blow up the al aqsa mosque and kill arabs to cleanse the land?

My analogy was completely apt. It would be like people claiming native ancestry who live in foreign countries being backed by foreign powers colonizing the US and forcing americans to live in refugee camps in their own country. Bunch of bullshit lol.

Once again, 8.5 million people at best, against hundreds of millions who want to kill them, who come from states who have expressly proclaimed Israel will be destroyed.

The Israeli Government, for all of its crimes, does not strap bombs onto the backs of small children and send them into Palestinian forces' checkpoints.

Arabs, and Muslims generally, have created an obscene amount of refugees, wherever they have power, for the better part of a century and a half. But no, it's this little sliver of land where The Israelis are bulldozing houses.

Not an apt analogy at all. If the Middle East was safe for Jews due to Muslims, all the Jews in the Middle East would not be concentrated in Israel. Where are your tears for that shit? The Jews get forced into a hermetic state, and your issue is with them doing something nowhere near as bad, in a sliver of land.

Once again, 8.5 million people at best, against hundreds of millions who want to kill them, who come from states who have expressly proclaimed Israel will be destroyed.

The Israeli Government, for all of its crimes, does not strap bombs onto the backs of small children and send them into Palestinian forces' checkpoints.

Arabs, and Muslims generally, have created an obscene amount of refugees, wherever they have power, for the better part of a century and a half. But no, it's this little sliver of land where The Israelis are bulldozing houses.

Not an apt analogy at all. If the Middle East was safe for Jews due to Muslims, all the Jews in the Middle East would not be concentrated in Israel. Where are your tears for that shit? The Jews get forced into a hermetic state, and your issue is with them doing something nowhere near as bad, in a sliver of land.


Lmao @ 100 million people wanting to kill them. 100 million people want them to stop building settlements, acknowledge the right of return of palestinians and completely end the occupation. Lets go colonize china. 8 million westerners vs a billion chinese and just for shits and giggles lets support the 8 million because the other billion should just let them conquer the area lmao.

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