Amazing Player Rage Video - Overwatch

Damn i NEVER join the chat in Overwatch. Wonder how they might sometimes curse me for not joining in..
I have been gaming online for a long time, 10+years on consoles alone.

Never have I played with such a toxic community before. It has to be the most whining, rude and vile community in gaming history.
In Almost every other game, people are fighting the whole time, many of the times the fight begins before the match even starts.

I have seen people fighting even when we win and there's nothing to fight about.

Just two days ago I had a person rage at me because of the slightest thing. I asked him to chill no reason to get mad and he went on and on insulting me. (Of course I was doing way better than him, but that didn't stop him)
So after awhile of me politely asking him to tone it down, I finally push back and the whole team devolves into utter toxicity.
And this happens at least 1/3 games.
Usually I am not involved at all, I try to keep it super positive, but in overwatch people start blaming, complaining, and judging the second the game starts.

It's a shame because the game is really really good.
I never got messages after the game about some toxic shit until I started playing overwatch

I have played COD for almost 10years online, and overwatch makes the COD community seem like Victorian gentleman
i think Overwatch has reached League toxic levels
I'm always in voice chat by default and the percentage of toxicity I've come across has been very low. Maybe 2-3% of matches, tops. I treat Overwatch the same way I treat Sherdog: if someone wants to be shitty and argumentative just for the sake of it, I simply don't engage. I'm having my own good time and I'm not gonna let some sourpuss infect me with his bitterness.

But I will admit that egging someone's anger on can be pretty damn fun as well. I had a game last week where no one wanted to go second healer with me. No big deal. I've been there before and have gotten by alright. Then one of the players started bitching about my choice of healer. Well, guess what? You just traded your one healer for an attack Junkrat. The hilarity of his hateful muttering was worth much more to me than the 30SR I threw away.
I have been gaming online for a long time, 10+years on consoles alone.

Never have I played with such a toxic community before. It has to be the most whining, rude and vile community in gaming history.
In Almost every other game, people are fighting the whole time, many of the times the fight begins before the match even starts.

I have seen people fighting even when we win and there's nothing to fight about.

Just two days ago I had a person rage at me because of the slightest thing. I asked him to chill no reason to get mad and he went on and on insulting me. (Of course I was doing way better than him, but that didn't stop him)
So after awhile of me politely asking him to tone it down, I finally push back and the whole team devolves into utter toxicity.
And this happens at least 1/3 games.
Usually I am not involved at all, I try to keep it super positive, but in overwatch people start blaming, complaining, and judging the second the game starts.

It's a shame because the game is really really good.
In my experience Overwatch is nowhere near as bad as League, Counter Strike, or even CoD.
The worst thing Blizzard ever did was introduce comp mode into Overwatch.
Lol I had some people rage at me like this for picking Sombra. They got even more pissed when I finally listened to my team and switched off Sombra....guess people also aren't a fan of Hanzo.
In my experience Overwatch is nowhere near as bad as League, Counter Strike, or even CoD.
I have never played cs or lol online, so I don't know about them, but cod was fine with me.

Never had a problem with cod since 2007 when mw came out. So not sure about that.
I used to play CS and I never heard this level of bullshit back in the day. CS servers were ruled by admins and u pissed one off u were kicked or banned. This shit woulda been squashed long ago. U still heard beef in chat from time to time but it wasn't this childish. It was definitely more mature than this. Or maybe I am too old to relate now.. I dunno...
I have been gaming online for a long time, 10+years on consoles alone.

Never have I played with such a toxic community before. It has to be the most whining, rude and vile community in gaming history.
In Almost every other game, people are fighting the whole time, many of the times the fight begins before the match even starts.

I have seen people fighting even when we win and there's nothing to fight about.

Just two days ago I had a person rage at me because of the slightest thing. I asked him to chill no reason to get mad and he went on and on insulting me. (Of course I was doing way better than him, but that didn't stop him)
So after awhile of me politely asking him to tone it down, I finally push back and the whole team devolves into utter toxicity.
And this happens at least 1/3 games.
Usually I am not involved at all, I try to keep it super positive, but in overwatch people start blaming, complaining, and judging the second the game starts.

It's a shame because the game is really really good.
If you replace "Overwatch" with "Dota 2" I genuinely could have written this word for word. I've gotten games where one guy on our team just walks in a straight line to the enemy and starts feeding the whole game, for no reason! You try to keep a positive attitude, but these games are simply unwinnable. It's like trying to hold together a group of insane people. I don't know what that guy really got from it either, all it does it makes him drop in ranking and gets him reported.
you should. its super helpful.
I remember once the Bastion on my team was killing everyone on the enemy team, i was playing mercy and healing him.

Their reaper teleported right behind him and killed him. He teleported right into the space between me and Bastion, i could have warned him i guess :oops:. We lost that match.
i think Overwatch has reached League toxic levels

I don't know man I have never been cursed out in broken English with some Portuguese thrown in by a Brazilian man in a vs. AI match all because I picked Teemo. If anything everyone else in the party should have been mad at him for having a piece of shit computer that took 20 minutes to load the damn match, I could have finished like 5 games by the time he finished loading up.
I remember once the Bastion on my team was killing everyone on the enemy team, i was playing mercy and healing him.

Their reaper teleported right behind him and killed him. He teleported right into the space between me and Bastion, i could have warned him i guess :oops:. We lost that match.
AU servers are the worst. You're guaranteed either a troll, a one trick smurf that refuses to switch, or a deranker every game and it always devolves into toxicity, win or lose. It's gotten to the point where I'd rather play on 160-200ms on Chinese or Korean servers.