Amanda Nunes lacks draw power?

I mean, it sounds like her lack of draw power has nothing to do with her performances in the octogon but issues with her personality, appearance, sexuality, ect.

Yet the world's biggest douche platinum perry seems to be a rising star, at least to some extent.

Not complaining, just throwing it out there

She needs to start doing this to her opponents...
I have never bought a UFC PPV for one particular fight. Every time i'm buying for all of the fights and some more than others for sure but credit should not be going to 1 fight only for good or bad.
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I just think Nunes has been more entertaining then MM. Granted, his latest finish was out of this world, but on a whole I find his fights to be snooze fests. If he does finish a fight it seems to take him until the last round to do it
What a fucking trash bag opinion. the last nunes fight was WAY more uneventful than any of mighty mouses ufc bouts.
I've noticed an article discussing the fact that Nunes isn't a PPV draw. Ufc 215 was a dud for sure, I can say I didn't buy it. That was due more to the fact that the card as a whole was very underwhelming, though.

Personally, I would much prefer to watch Nunes fight then say mighty mouse.

Nunes was also coming off a headlining PPV that she backed out of last minute, which I'm sure played a roll in buys.

So, do you think it's a true statement that she's not a draw? Or do you agree that it was more circumstantial?

This is my first post! And hopefully I'm not repeating something that's already been discussed

people are stupid and biased when making thse comments.

Some fighters are "a draw"... until you notice that he is always added to stacked cards.
Some fighters "don't move the needle"... until you notice they fight on terrible cards.

this is not boxing. you don't buy only for the main event.
so blaming a fighter for high/low numbers is stupid IMO
3.whenever she is given a mic to help market herself she uses the opportunity to talk about her even more irrelevant gf that nobody cares about
4.usually fights on watered down cards
5.horrible accent and voice that makes you not want to listen

if she shuts her mouth and stick to mauling these women like she did Ronda/Tate then she can become something
No idea what the hell being gay has to do with it

Bunch of edgy cunts in this thread
Not a draw at all. However, many of the UFC's top fighters are not PPV draws either. Guys like Fergeson, Galbreath, Miocic, Woodley, Hollaway, are champions, but only hardcore fans know any of them! UFC is in a down time for big name money fighters right now, especially losing Jon Jones, but the stars of the future will come soon.
An openly gay, brazilian immigrant, women, MMA fighter who is a knockout artist...
Anyone who tries to argue that Nunes Is a draw Is quite delusional. I will watch her fights like I watch every fight but

In the grand scheme, nobody cares about her. Literally nobody.
Her mother cares
She is not a "draw" but she will never be when the CEO almost explicitly tells the viewing audience not to watch her fight.
Welcome to sherdog jew, I’m sure this forum will accept you with open arms the way we do with Ariel Helwani
I don't mind her, but objectively, no, she isn't a draw. At least part of that is probably due to the UFC's mishandling of her - They should have been promoting her more as a destroyer and marketing her as the one who put the nail in the coffin of Ronda Rousey's career, constantly reminding people of that destruction. I don't know how much it would have helped, or if it would have even helped at all, but it's better than what they're doing. The UFC is crap when it comes to promoting most of their fighters. They need to take a few hints from WWE.
Ronda is the only woman who is a draw. UFC Marketing team is stupid

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