Alexander: The Making of a God - six part Netflix docudrama series

I read that Alexander encountered giant beasts in caves in India, like some sort of monster, that shit would be cool in a movie and it would be surreal, we rarely get told of historical accounts of strange shit like that. Columbus apparently saw a UFO but i never heard about that until a few years ago, it's a fairly relevatory event.
Probably a Sherdogger's mom
Probably a Sherdogger's mom
no, they are a part of the actual accounts. what probably happened was some sort of thing where their imaginations got the better of them, or maybe they were sleep deprived, their are vietnam and middle east vets who claim to have seen giants or cryptids too, so, troops seeing things isn't new. Interesting either way.
I read that historians believe that they were multiple perosns that fit the description of Jesus and have said and done similar things.
thats what ive read too.
no, they are a part of the actual accounts. what probably happened was some sort of thing where their imaginations got the better of them, or maybe they were sleep deprived, their are vietnam and middle east vets who claim to have seen giants or cryptids too, so, troops seeing things isn't new. Interesting either way.
Probably was one of those giant orangutans that went extinct