Alcohol gets an unfair rep

Alcohol is kind of a menace on a society-level. There's a very strong correlation between alcohol intoxication and violent crime, e.g. murder, rape, marital violence. For example there was a 1990 study which estimated that more than 50% of assaults and murders involved the assailant being under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol is also involved in a large percentage of traffic and pedestrian deaths. Alcohol messes with the proper development of brain structures and alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the leading cause of mental retardation, which constitutes a massive drain on society's resources. A lot of people are also unaware that there's a correlation between alcohol and cancer in a linear-dose response, it appears to act as a carcinogen and tumor-promoter. It's not a huge concern if you only drink occasionally, but it does start being meaningful when you're dealing with moderate drinkers and more.

The bad reputation is well-earned. I think people are kind of blind to how bad it is because alcohol is normalized in our culture, nobody even thinks of it as a 'drug' even though it is. However, I do agree that on an individual level there are people that can absolutely control their consumption and it will never cause an issue in their lives.
I was a social drinker my whole life, up until a few years ago when I became more interested in bourbon. Started drinking bourbon or scotch almost every Friday/Saturday night while playing video games after the wife/kids are asleep.

Lately I've been thinking about dialing it back to one night per week, rather than two. Not that it's been a problem or anything, but I do think it's counter productive to some of my fitness-oriented goals. For example, I'm less likely to work out in the morning if I drank the night before. And I'm more likely to binge on junk if I'm buzzed.
LOL. It's literally a poison that your liver and kidneys have to detox immediately. You can pretty easily overdose on it and die. But keep thinking it's great. Fucking alcoholic.

Seriously, though, it's like sugar. Some people can manage to be fine with limited quantities, but that don't mean it's good. It just means the dose is manageable.
I think it's pretty fair, in the course of human history I would imagine its done a million times more harm than good. That being said, everything in moderation. Also, OP is an alcoholic.
I've become an alcoholic or on some level, an addict. It's been scary and expensive. It's honestly the first time I can understand the discipline it takes to taper down then stop.

But...I really dont want to become a high n mighty jerkoff when accomplishing what should be an easy goal, which its absolutely not.
I think at this point most people view alcohol through a negative lens. They associate it with alcoholism, bad judgement, and unhealthy living.

But this is an unfortunate way to see it. Alcohol, when used moderately, is a gift to humans. I drink maybe 2 - 3 nights a week and this has such a positive impact on my mood.

I'm not drinking tonight, but last night I poured myself a glass of whiskey, lit up the fireplace, dimmed the lights, and finished reading Peter Guralnick's biography on Elvis. The Whiskey flowed through me, giving a warm-cozy sensation and turning my mood slightly cheery. My body melted into my velvet recliner while I occasionally looked up from my book, getting lost staring at the fireplace in a hypnotic state. It was a good 2 hr buzz, then I went to bed and drifted off with such a warm and peaceful sensation.

I'm glad alcohol exists. I wish people didn't abuse it because when used properly it is such a powerful and friendly elixir than jives well with the human spirit.
Sounds like you have a very measured and healthy relationship with alcohol. I think a lot of people struggle with the healthy part.
But this is an unfortunate way to see it. Alcohol, when used moderately, is a gift to humans. I drink maybe 2 - 3 nights a week and this has such a positive impact on my mood.

Lol at having one drink twice a week and feeling good about yourself.

Time to man up, son.
It's fine in moderation. Responsible drinkers can enjoy some fights and get a nice buzz after a hard work week but there's a lot of people who use alcohol as a crutch. Shit can destroy families. Also, women shouldn't be allowed to drink.
TS blacked out and nearly set his house on fire.
I feel like alsochol was widely accepted throughout the last several decades, but only recently has come under scrutiny. It's a deserved shitty reputation, and I've seen it ruin too many lives
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Most people can consume alcohol responsibly. I have literally thousands of standard drinks of alcohol in my house (wine and spirits) and zero interest in touching it as I don't drink during the week.

Everything can be abused sugar, caffeine, pizza... hell, drinking too much water will kill you.

There is nothing wrong with alcohol but excessive amounts of most things are a bad thing.
Alcohol is great because it can relieve stress in a major way. But also, it causes a ton of fucking problems, not just for those drinking, but for those around them.
Fuck the Seahawks.
just sayin
Alcohol is kind of a menace on a society-level. There's a very strong correlation between alcohol intoxication and violent crime, e.g. murder, rape, marital violence. For example there was a 1990 study which estimated that more than 50% of assaults and murders involved the assailant being under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol is also involved in a large percentage of traffic and pedestrian deaths. Alcohol messes with the proper development of brain structures and alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the leading cause of mental retardation, which constitutes a massive drain on society's resources. A lot of people are also unaware that there's a correlation between alcohol and cancer in a linear-dose response, it appears to act as a carcinogen and tumor-promoter. It's not a huge concern if you only drink occasionally, but it does start being meaningful when you're dealing with moderate drinkers and more.

The bad reputation is well-earned. I think people are kind of blind to how bad it is because alcohol is normalized in our culture, nobody even thinks of it as a 'drug' even though it is. However, I do agree that on an individual level there are people that can absolutely control their consumption and it will never cause an issue in their lives.

I would say alcohol, just like any other drug, has it's place, and may even be helpful in some cases. Just like how certain drugs in ancient cultures were used with ritual and purpose, alcohol can be used in the same way. Tabacco, another extremely addictive and unhealthy drug is used in some cultures in religious rituals. Alcohol is a social lubricant for sure and it should be used correctly. The problem in modern society is that we took away all of the ritual and meaning out of it and people get wasted just to get wasted and use it as an escape more than anything. Because of this I believe alcohol is the most destructive and dangerous drug we have and it's funny that it's so accepted.

I'm a big proponent of psychedelics and mdma, but I wouldn't like it if everyone was tripping balls or rolling willy nilly all the time.
I think at this point most people view alcohol through a negative lens. They associate it with alcoholism, bad judgement, and unhealthy living.

But this is an unfortunate way to see it. Alcohol, when used moderately, is a gift to humans. I drink maybe 2 - 3 nights a week and this has such a positive impact on my mood.

I'm not drinking tonight, but last night I poured myself a glass of whiskey, lit up the fireplace, dimmed the lights, and finished reading Peter Guralnick's biography on Elvis. The Whiskey flowed through me, giving a warm-cozy sensation and turning my mood slightly cheery. My body melted into my velvet recliner while I occasionally looked up from my book, getting lost staring at the fireplace in a hypnotic state. It was a good 2 hr buzz, then I went to bed and drifted off with such a warm and peaceful sensation.

I'm glad alcohol exists. I wish people didn't abuse it because when used properly it is such a powerful and friendly elixir that jives well with the human spirit.

The problem is that there are many people that handle alcohol badly. People adjust their behavior to fit what society considers to be appropriate. Alcohol loosens those inhibitions and can bring out the real person which isn't very pleasant and can be completely out of control.
I think several drugs get unfair reps and that they can be quite enjoyable and serve a purpose to those capable of moderation.

Crystal Meth
Alcohol is great because it can relieve stress in a major way. But also, it causes a ton of fucking problems, not just for those drinking, but for those around them.
This reminds me of one of my favorite toasts.


Along with:

To honor.
Get on her
Stay on her
And if you can't cum in her
Come on her!