Locked AEW CXVI Neck Strong Awarness

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I miss the halcyon days of three months ago when the feeling seemed to be coming back.

OC vs Trent already? Sure. It was there.

Deeb/Toni was OKish kind of? Deeb is being super odd playing this babyface thing? Did I miss something on Rampage or something? Weird.

Mariah vs Harley was surprisingly good. Stfu Paige. Howled at "The Outcasts" still being on her tron. Mina has a better spinning backfist than Eddie.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal Mogul Embassy. Good that they tied that loose end up though.

Willow cut a damn good promo. Gonna be a shame that she's gonna job to Mone at the ppv. Been killing it as champ and recently in general. My favourite thing on the show by far.

Jay White went 50/50 with a jobber. The BCG have 9 belts now for reasons. I don't even care. The sight of them gathering them all after them match angle was something.

Jericho match sucked.

Main event happened. Usual bullshit, minus thumbtacks somehow.

Eddie and Bryan as the mystery partners. Ehhh... sure.
I miss the halcyon days of three months ago when the feeling seemed to be coming back.

OC vs Trent already? Sure. It was there.

Deeb/Toni was OKish kind of? Deeb is being super odd playing this babyface thing? Did I miss something on Rampage or something? Weird.

Mariah vs Harley was surprisingly good. Stfu Paige. Howled at "The Outcasts" still being on her tron. Mina has a better spinning backfist than Eddie.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal Mogul Embassy. Good that they tied that loose end up though.

Willow cut a damn good promo. Gonna be a shame that she's gonna job to Mone at the ppv. Been killing it as champ and recently in general. My favourite thing on the show by far.

Jay White went 50/50 with a jobber. The BCG have 9 belts now for reasons. I don't even care. The sight of them gathering them all after them match angle was something.

Jericho match sucked.

Main event happened. Usual bullshit, minus thumbtacks somehow.

Eddie and Bryan as the mystery partners. Ehhh... sure.
You should know I enjoy your infrequent yet detailed personal assessments. I find myself agreeing with most of your points.
Fun show. Felt like a house show with that roster though.

At least I saw Mariah, Harley, Toni, Mina and Skye and Anna Jay in the ROH taping.

After Dynamite, Bryan told us it might be the last time he sees us in Edmonton, so he wanted to do some physicality and let Eddie chop him three times. Pretty fucken hard.

Thank you, Mr. Dragon.
Skye Blue is trending, apparently she got harassed by a fan during the ROH taping and they stopped to throw him out, did you see that happen?
Skye Blue is trending, apparently she got harassed by a fan during the ROH taping and they stopped to throw him out, did you see that happen?
I saw Aubrey yell to a guy in the crowd (front row hard cam side) and call for security. I tried to get her attention when she walked to the back in a friendly way like “hey Aubrey!” As I did with many other wrestlers who waved back. But she looked very pissy and didn’t acknowledge anyone.

So ya this seemed to answer my questions on what happened.
Toni Storm v Serena Deeb, Swerve v Christian, Roddy v Ospreay, Willow v Moné, and I'm assuming Copeland v Malakai
Well obviously I have to buy it due to will. where was he this week
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I didn't get to watch. Did the ticket holders show up or did the NHL watch party reign supreme?
I saw Aubrey yell to a guy in the crowd (front row hard cam side) and call for security. I tried to get her attention when she walked to the back in a friendly way like “hey Aubrey!” As I did with many other wrestlers who waved back. But she looked very pissy and didn’t acknowledge anyone.

So ya this seemed to answer my questions on what happened.
Quit harassing the talent, Beast.
I know having the TNT Title is allowing Cope to speed run through all of his desired new opponents but Malakai Black could be elevated quick and AEW needs some new blood with all the injuries, visa issues and people not being able to travel all the time.
The most annoying thing about AEW lately is that they're causing me to agree with Bubba Ray more and more lately. Orange Cassidy no selling a piledriver on steel steps immediately followed by getting his head slingshotted into the iron beam ring support is some straight up bullshit.

I saw Aubrey yell to a guy in the crowd (front row hard cam side) and call for security. I tried to get her attention when she walked to the back in a friendly way like “hey Aubrey!” As I did with many other wrestlers who waved back. But she looked very pissy and didn’t acknowledge anyone.

So ya this seemed to answer my questions on what happened.

When I was front row she played rock, paper scissors with my nephew and he lost. I was 7/8 hot and kept calling for a rematch!
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