Locked AEW CXIII : It's Wednesday , Where's the Thread

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Tony Khan’s definitely more concerned with the wrong shit when it comes to AEW. His father needs to step in and hire people that want to run a successful wrestling company, that can challenge Tony’s efed/toybox, mean girls, bitter breakup bullshit.
Tony Khan’s definitely more concerned with the wrong shit when it comes to AEW. His father needs to step in and hire people that want to run a successful wrestling company, that can challenge Tony’s efed/toybox, mean girls, bitter breakup bullshit.

I think they tried that recently by hiring all of these former WWE people, the problem is they hired the wrong WWE people who were there during their shittiest era, product seems to be reflecting that.
No, there's a reason they are shitting on AEW, and the numbers(ALL the numbers) reflect that. They're not saying anything that isn't true. No creative, no clue, no fucks given. These guys will be downsizing to TNA levels within two years.
I think the numbers that matter are how much they get from this next TV deal (yet to be seen but looking positive), live attendance (not good right now but better than anyone outside of WWE this century), and PPV numbers (all time high).

Coming from the people who helped TNA get to those levels?

Yeah, Bischoff, Russo, Cornette, and Disco are all known to be honest guys lmao
Weak show. I'm still hyped for Joe/Swerve, Ospreay/Danielson, Pac/Okada and anything Mariah May. I'll be sure to dim the lights and watch Dynasty ashamed.
Everything they're building to at the ppv is gonna be great. The way they're going about some of it and how they're structuring Dynamite is not though
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