ACB 84 Agujev vs Burrell /Bratislava, Slovakia

Zakhar reporting for duty Sorry I’m late boys looks like an exciting card so far.
Not the best fighters fighting tonight (record wise) but they're definitely putting on something worth watching.
Every fight so far has been a good matchup imo, darren smith isnt bad he gave a tough fight to Adaev and has a win in ACB.
7.) Jose Toledo (7-5) Defeats Stjepan Bekavac (19-9) R1 TKO

It's gotta be Aveles winning this one, right? Trains out of a solid camp, has fought multiple guys who've fought in the UFC, and he hasn't lost since 2015.
It's gotta be Aveles winning this one, right? Trains out of a solid camp, has fought multiple guys who've fought in the UFC, and he hasn't lost since 2015.
Zielinski is pretty good too, Aveles is the favorite but im not counting out Zielinski.
It's gotta be Aveles winning this one, right? Trains out of a solid camp, has fought multiple guys who've fought in the UFC, and he hasn't lost since 2015.

Beat Amirkhan Adaev and went to a draw with Drakkar Klose.

Dat head movement though
This Fight.

Aveles should just list his fighting style as "Boxer who Kicks"

He's a Tatchi veteran too -- so I am contractually obliged to root for him
Great fight
And Zelinski promiced the commentators that he would stop blocking paces with his face
Adrian seems to be doing best when he's fighting at a very short range
2nd round was close until the last 30 seconds, now I have Aveles up 2-0
Fair play to Aveles for engaging at the end of that 3rd round. He probably knows he's up on the scorecards and still wants to fight it out. I was impressed with both guys durability and cardio.
8. Joshua Aveles (27-11-2) Defeats Adrian Zielinski (17-8) Unanimous Decision

Great fight.