Greetings from Portugal Amanda !!

Thank you for doing this.
I would like to say that ive enjoyed the group of fighters that participated on this edition of TUF, very friendly and professional ... and the way you guys carried yourselfes is how imo a martial artist conduct is expected to be and so you guys contribuited to bring more respect and credibility to MMA. Well done.
I enjoy your fighting style but what impressed me the most was your conduct , respectfull , caring, professional , elegant and classy. I dont want to be a generalist nor disrespectfull , but imo this is a combination uncommon amongst women. So good on you!
My questions would be :
- How does it feel to be a certified female badass ?

- What is, in your opinion, the best path for a fighter´s sucess in this evolving World of MMA ? Maybe i shouldnt be generalizing cause every fighter is diferent .... but in your opinion , do you believe a fighter should start MMA from his/her beggining in combat sports training, or specialize 1st in a specific style and then evolve the rest of the skills ?
Thanks again .. Cheers