A headache is weakness leaving the brain

Got food poisoning yesterday, couldn't eat for 24 hours, and assumed that today's lifts would be horrible. They were, but no more horrible than I would expect for my progression.

Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (pretty happy with progress here)
Deadlifts: 5x135, 5x135, 5x135 (felt really light, but I feel like I need to start low and work it up slowly)
Press: 5x105, 5x105, 5x105 (felt easy)
2 mile run yesterday, a bit faster than usual.
2.5 mile run this morning, very slow pace

Found out yesterday that I'm i need to be in LA for most of next week. Will kill my normal training program. Not particularly looking forward to the trip, but I suspect it's probably a good time to take a more restful week.
Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Squat: 5x135, 5x185, 5x185
Bench: 5x170, 5x170, 5x170

Knees were really hurting last night. Not sure if that's from the runs on the previous 2 days or the fact that we did a lot of our sparring in BJJ from the feet on Thursday night. Took an ibuprofen bomb last night before bed, and the knees seemed fine this morning.
Holy crap! The knee problem was definitely my running shoes.

I had bought a pair of running shoes earlier this year when I had started doing longer walks. They were incredibly light, and worked great for walks. However, I'm running heel-toe, and it would now appear that it was the lack of cushion on the heel that was hurting my knees.

Did 2.5 miles this morning in an old pair of running shoes, and it's night and day difference in how my knees feel.
Staying at a hotel in downtown LA, so no access to normal equipment. Did find a pullup station in the hotel "gym", so did some sets with shorter recovery periods.

Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 4, 3

Not displeased, since I was waiting less than a minute between sets, and I felt like I had another rep or more in me on the first two sets.
Did a slow 2 mile run yesterday, then 2 hours of judo this morning.

Afternoon lifts:
5 Turkish get-ups w/16kg kettlebell
Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Squats: 5x135, 5x190, 5x190
Press: 5x110, 5x110, 5x110

1. I don't really have a good reason for including the TGU's, other than being intrigued by a couple of threads in the main S&C forum, and then watching some youtube videos.
2. I probably need to start adding some weight to the pullups, which would be exciting as I've never done weighted pullups before
3. My lifting partner indicated that my depth on the last set of squats was ok, but not as low as I usually go. Probably need to hang out at this weight for a while. Heat may have been a factor, as it is 95 today, and this is the hottest I've lifted in for a while. Much hotter and we'll switch from garage lifts to actually lifting at a gym.
4. First press set felt heavy - the second two felt easy.
Unrelated to direct lifts, but wanted to log:

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea about 3 years ago, when I was about 240 pounds. My apnea was severe - about 80 incidents per hour when untreated, and I felt like crap most of the time. I was prescribed a CPAP machine, but had a lot of trouble sleeping with it. After about a year of struggling, I went to a new sleep doctor who put me on Lunesta and a small dosage of gabapentin. This made the CPAP machine much easier to use, and I've been using it pretty consistently since then.

In my 2 year absence from the logs, I lost 50 pounds (and a lot of strength) and started doing some running a few months ago. I went back for a new sleep study at the end of May, and got the results a week ago. Untreated incidents of respiratory obstruction were down to 11 an hour, which is considered mild. However, the difference in resting heart rate between a treated and untreated night of sleep was significant enough that I'm staying on the CPAP machine. Untreated, RHR average during the night was 63, and with the CPAP it was 54, with much better sleep profile.
2.5 mile run this morning, with some hills. Heart rate went higher than I wanted on the hills.
Yesterday lifts:

Weighted Pullups (5 pounds): 5, 5, 5, 5, 4
Deadlifts: 5x145, 5x145, 5x145
Bench: 5x145, 5x175, 5x175, 5x175

First time ever doing weighted pulls. First few sets didn't feel any different (granted, only using 5 pounds, which is within error range of hydration and a dump from normal bodyweight), but couldn't finish the last rep of the last set.

Deadlifts still feeling easy, but I'm trying to stay disciplined and increase weight very slowly.

Bench was just bench. Had a spotter for the first time since resuming, but still had a lot in the tank at the end of each set.

2 mile morning run. Just rained, so crazy humid. Heart rate was higher than I wanted at the end. New running shoes continue to function well.
Came back from Houston too late last night to get to the gym.

2 mile run this morning, slightly faster pace (just under 10 minute miles). Stopped at about 1.5 miles for a minute since HR was over 160.
2 mile run this morning. Weather was fantastically cool for Austin in July.
Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Deadlifts: 5x245, 5x245
Bench: 5x180, 5x180, 5x180

I hadn't planned on deadlifting today, or doing that weight. However, my gym has exactly 4 bars in it. One was in use on the bench, one was someone doing upright rows, and the 3rd and 4th were taken by one guy who was alternating bench and deadlifts. He didn't seem particularly keen on letting me take one of his bars to the squat rack, and he was set up at 245. Hit a couple of sets and decided to call that my heavy lift for the day.
I'm in Illinois this week visiting my family, so no gym access (though I may break down tomorrow and buy a day pass somewhere to get some squats in). I've done a couple sets of pullups in the park, but nothing worth logging.

Yesterday: 2 mile run. Pretty humid, not particularly fast.
This morning: 2.5 mile run. Nice temperatures, good pace. It was so cool I think I could have done another couple miles, but I want to be able to run every day this week in the cool weather. I'm back to Austin and the heat on Saturday night.
60 degree weather for my run! I felt like I could have gone for a long time, but ended up stopping just shy of 4 miles. I'll be spending the next two days wandering Chicago with my family, so I'll be getting walking in rather than running.
Finally back home in the horrible Texas heat. Had a good BJJ class last night, and took my 8 year old daughter to try a class today. She had a lot of fun, so it seems like she'll be going back.

Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Squats: 5x135, 5x195, 5x195
Press: 5x115

Ran out of time to do the other Press sets since I had to get home for a conference call. Squats felt heavy and tiring.
2.5 mile run this morning. Felt fairly easy, and heart rate stayed right where I wanted it.

Did 2 miles earlier in the week that I neglected to log.
Pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Squats: 6x5x135
Press: 3x5x115

Elbows really bother me with pullups - I'm finding the neutral grip less painful. I really need to remember to bring something that I can loop some weights into to start doing these with weight.

Decided to do a bit more volume at lower weight today with the squats. I'll likely continue this for a while to really try to lock in better form.

Signed up both my daughter and I at another BJJ academy yesterday. I'll continue to train with my current instructor twice a week, but the new academy offers unlimited classes, and offers early morning and noon classes, which should let me get a lot more mat time.
Mon: 2 mile run. Ran with a friend who is in worse shape than me, so the run felt easy, even though it was late in the day and hot.
Tue: Legs felt completely trashed all day. Evening BJJ
Wed: Easy 2 mile morning run

I think I injured a rib on Sunday night. Nothing to serious, just tender and achy when I bend the wrong way. Didn't stop me from rolling last night, but still irritating.

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