What is Tony Ferguson's ACTUAL Record?


Sep 30, 2017
Reaction score
Sherdog and MMA-Core say 23-3.
UFC's website says 25-3.
UFC on television says 24-3.
MixedMartialArts.com says 23-4.

Anyone know the true fighting record of El Cucuy?
Whatever the numbers is just add another loss to it
Tree fiddy

Everywhere I look says 23-3.

So, Imma go with that.
He's 23-3. So sayeth the resources I rely on for the majority of my stats, they're the most consistent. UFC has been known to add fights to records (see also: Rose Namajunas), and mixedmartiarts.com is a shell of its former self.
The UFC counts the finals on TUF to the winner's record. Thats why they say 24 wins instead of 23.
There is often no definitive answer because there are blurry lines between what count as pro and amateur bouts (such as fights held under ammy rules but where the fighters get paid). Fights in jurisdictions where there is no athletic commission or where amateur MMA is not regulated add an additional layer of complexity, as do issues of how much fight rules can vary from the unified rules and still count (for example, does a fight count if strikes on the ground aren't allowed?).