25th hour


Silver Belt
Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Anybody see this movie?

Just caught it on showtime. What a Fkn bizarre movie. It stars Ed Norton as some kind of big wig drug dealer that has to do a 7 year sentence.

The cast is pretty solid. Norton, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Rosario Dawson but god damn the writing is terrible and it’s about nothing.
Good acting, disjointed script. Both Norton's racist mirror rant and the Ground Zero stuff seemed glued onto the script. The stuff between the friends was good.
I thought it was interesting enough. Yeah the racist rant and ground zero were unwarranted or un-needed propaganda fit into otherwise fairly solid movie.

I particularly like the ending segment. It was actually fairly plausible.
I remember liking it at the time it came out, but I feel it has little to no rewatchability
My favorite Spike Lee movie in the last 20 years.
Corey Anderson's favorite movie btw.
One of my favorite movies. Right after 9/11 so there was a big NY vibe, plus Spike Lee directed it. Great rant here.........

Edit- I see some thought the 9/11 shit didn't have merit and was just "plastered" on. Meh, it tied in pretty well IMHO.

This movie was about relationships and the characterization was pretty damned good. Plus it has Phillip Seymour Hoffman, arguably the best character actor of his generation. That said, as far a movies go, I liken it to art(which it is). Whatever blows your hair back is good.
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Good acting, disjointed script. Both Norton's racist mirror rant and the Ground Zero stuff seemed glued onto the script. The stuff between the friends was good.

Yeah that mirror shit was baffling
It seemed like it was just piggy backing off of American History X and 911.
Barry Pepper looks like Dirk Nowitzki


That's all I took away from this movie
I missed the first ten minutes. Was that scene in reference to something that happened in the beginning

I can't recall. Spike always has these random rants though, basically his way of getting shit off his head, sort of 4th wall breaking though.
Doesn’t his character also bang a 17 year old?


Hoffman had some infatuation with his student who just so happen to be at the club they went to. And yeh they had some weird kiss and we have no idea what the consequences were.
Not bad i remember watching it but not much about the plot