2023 College Football Playoffs Discussion ***National Champion Michigan Wolverines*** Transfer Portal

NIL better be worked into the recruiting system. I wanna be able to put in a call to the dealership owner booster when that 5* is on the line!
I would have liked to have seen some gameplay in that trailer than just the game engine animations though. Didn't really show us much.
"I strolled into the EA headquarters. For years, all you've heard, anywhere in the business, is the famous EA HQ. They invite ME, ROLL SONNEN ROLL, to be in the game, and I show up. It's the biggest piece of crap I've ever seen! You got Tiburon...you got Dice...you got Bioware...you got Respawn, you got Maxis, you got Codemasters, you got a bunch of damn misfits!"

Sony's Gamebreaker series was great too until the PS2 versions sucked.


These graphics were legit for a 12 year old in 1997.

Sony's Gamebreaker series was great too until the PS2 versions sucked.


These graphics were legit for a 12 year old in 1997.

They should bring back the Street series and make an NCAA version
To the surprise of no one, Rush Propst is in hot water again and was forced to resign from his latest job.

I have no idea who this person is so I just looked him up and it said he was fired from Pell City which sounds like a soccer team so I thought maybe he was a real life Ted Lasso( shout out to my homie @RollSonnenRoll ) but it turns out he's not
I wonder what ever happened to that Baylor basketball coach that tried to smut up his dead players name, I wonder if anyone ever gave him another chance to mold young minds
I have no idea who this person is so I just looked him up and it said he was fired from Pell City which sounds like a soccer team so I thought maybe he was a real life Ted Lasso( shout out to my homie @RollSonnenRoll ) but it turns out he's not
Seriously? He was the head coach on Two a Days. Casual confirmed.