1st 100 days: Trump’s approval at record lows

I don't know, I can't fault him when I look around the country and see places like Detroit. When I see police being assassinated in the name of BLM. When I see generations of inner city kids growing up on welfare, who's kids will grow up on welfare or be in jail. There is a serious issue with Urban black culture and everytime someone tries to address, well, Racism.

If he addressed it accurately, and got a negative response, then I would agree with you. But he went as low as you can go there. Scraping the bottom of the barrel in a way that honestly should make black people and anybody who values facts uncomfortable. He copies fake stats from white supremacists, that is on a whole other level of insane for any leader.

As President Trump nears his 100th day in office, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll found that a historically low 42 percent of Americans approve of his job performance thus far. His efforts to keep jobs in the U.S. is one area of bipartisan support among heavy criticism of his judgment, honesty and accomplishments.

To be fair even if Trump cured cancer, balanced the budget, and stabilized the middle east there would still be a large group of people unapproving him because he's ''racist and mysoginistic."
Yep, people are cursed with a thing called morals (google it if you're not sure what I mean).
It astounds me seeing his supporters pull a Gob Bluth, and go "Ive made a huge mistake" You voted for a con man, and you expect anything but to get conned? He is the shittiest, easiest to spot conman in the history of con men, and your dumbass expected results. sheeeeeeit.
To be fair even if Trump cured cancer, balanced the budget, and stabilized the middle east there would still be a large group of people unapproving him because he's ''racist and mysoginistic."

Just like Obama killed bin Laden, saved the us auto industry and lowered unemployment and people would be unapproving because he's "foreign Muslim".
Just like Obama killed bin Laden, saved the us auto industry and lowered unemployment and people would be unapproving because he's "foreign Muslim".

Obama killed bin Laden. Come on man. It happened on his watch, but let's give credit where it's due. The intel gathering and actions of US SpecOps personnel got it done. If you're giving him that then give him the rest like:

Bank Bailout to the tune of Trillions which did NOT address (with needed laws / oversight) the reason for the housing bubble / financial collapse so we may see something of this magnitude in the future.

Operation Fast and Furious "gun walking" scheme which in ended with a US Border Agent being killed by one of the weapons. Obama's buddy Eric Holder signed off on this.

Obamacare where he told us "You can keep your old plan" and other bullshit. It was re-written how many times?

Wiretapping (spying on) journalists. Oh well, it was only a Fox News guy, so no big deal was made about it. Obama's buddy Eric Holder signed off on this.

Benghazi debacle. Attacks on US soil, interests, and personnel happen regardless of who is President. The PR spin of "we offended them with a video" was laughable if not an outright lie to the American citizens.

NSA spying scandal / Edward Snowden fiasco.

Secretary of State Clinton's personal e-mail server for handling classified material.
To be fair even if Trump cured cancer, balanced the budget, and stabilized the middle east there would still be a large group of people unapproving him because he's ''racist and mysoginistic."
To be fair, even if he doesn't something right, he's still fucked up left, right, and sideways.
Holy shit, the tribalism never ends. If you guys had some integrity you would forget about the fucking election and hypothetical re-election and think critically about what he has/has not done in office.

He's the president. Stop grading him on a curve. We get it, you thought Hillary was a terrible candidate and think he would win an election today, but it is irrelevant. What is relevant is that many people disapprove of the job he is doing which is historical given presidents are usually pretty popular in the beginning of their terms and usually get some policy done. That is what matters.
Holy shit, the tribalism never ends. If you guys had some integrity you would forget about the fucking election and hypothetical re-election and think critically about what he has/has not done in office.

He's the president. Stop grading him on a curve. We get it, you thought Hillary was a terrible candidate and think he would win an election today, but it is irrelevant. What is relevant is that many people disapprove of the job he is doing which is historical given presidents are usually pretty popular in the beginning of their terms and usually get some policy done. That is what matters.

This goes both ways.
have both houses and still cant pass any bill he promised
I think you are confusing "politically correct" with simply acting like an adult. I see that argument a lot actually, where people seem to think being immature, uninformed, and irrational is just "keeping it real" or something.

When you have a job, you have to act like you have that job. He is the President, and he has to behave accordingly.

"behave accordingly"

Portraying someone to be flustered isn't actually a big deal though. You guys just made it into one because you're obsessed with every little thing he does.

You have gotten to the point, in this statement, that we are supposed to conduct research on the reporters that Trump mocks before judging Trump's mocking behavior.

Uh, yeah. When you say he's mocking a disabled reporters disability, it's important to actually conduct research and make sure he isn't doing it, which he wasn't. What the fuck are you actually talking about?

You are collapsing into emotional name calling here.

No, I'm stating a fact. You're an extremely dishonest person. Trying to make it seem like a Muslim punching a girl deaf over a ham pizza was just a random fistfight, the equivalent to two hobos fighting over a spot on the street as if there wasn't a huge ideology behind it was sickening. You legitimately need to seek help.

If you say liberals feel a certain way because of their political bias, and I point out that high ranking Republicans hold the same beliefs on the subject, then I've made a pretty relevant counter-argument. In fact, it pretty much makes your point seem silly.

When Paul Ryan, the other leader of the Republican party, says that Trump's statement is "the definition of racism," you lose the ability to say it's just liberals.

I don't care really what neocons think.

The people who disapprove of him are overwhelmingly liberal, so I choose to focus on them. Not the most complicated thing in the world.

Remember that time you said it's Trumps fault that a certain group of irrational people "constantly" misinterpret what he says and does?
I'm sure these polls are 100% accurate, just like the polls that gave him a <10% of winning in the first place.
To be fair even if Trump cured cancer, balanced the budget, and stabilized the middle east there would still be a large group of people unapproving him because he's ''racist and mysoginistic."

The better he does, the MORE they hate him. That's the whole point. These people want America to fail.
It astounds me seeing his supporters pull a Gob Bluth, and go "Ive made a huge mistake" You voted for a con man, and you expect anything but to get conned? He is the shittiest, easiest to spot conman in the history of con men, and your dumbass expected results. sheeeeeeit.

But the poll results don't say that at all you utter fucking retard.

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