10 Pictures foreshadowing tragedy


The famous Pulitzer winning photo taken in the Sudan by Kevin Carter. I've heard a couple of variations on the circumstances surrounding it. The fate of the child is unknown and Carter killed himself later the same year.
Well this thread kind of ruined my day. That article was depressing as hell.

Also the last comment in the number 1 pic with the 2 kids that got hit by lightning was a terrible pun.
Damn I searched the 14 year old girl on Google and found a list of the last pics murderers took of their victims.. Some get fucked up

Searching for 14 year old girls on google is not something to be talking about here bro.
went on a google search for robert rhoades. Came across a list of photos of murder victims taken by their killers, thought it couldnt get worse than the original pic.

Totally wrong. There is a lot of depressing stuff on the net.

...back to gifs of kittens.

I just went down a similar path and came across a sick fuck named Bob Berdella. Ya that dude was meessssed up. The pictures he took of his tortured victims is probably the most haunting shit I've seen from anything else in this thread.

The famous Pulitzer winning photo taken in the Sudan by Kevin Carter. I've heard a couple of variations on the circumstances surrounding it. The fate of the child is unknown and Carter killed himself later the same year.

I've seen that photo before, still hard to look at.
^^^^^ that heart-breaking pic with the kid and vulture just gave me an idea.....someone should shoop Cung Le and Wand into those 10 pictures from the link
man i dont like the title of that list. it should be like people about to die or be brutally murdered. that way i wouldnt have had the balls to look through it.

Yeah. That's wasn't really foreshadowing.
This thread is too depressing

Here is a penguin buying fish in Japan

I've seen that photo before, still hard to look at.

One version is the kid was left alone as adults were rushing to a food centre. Vultures were around etc but the kid survived. In other versions it was shooed off. Forced perspective etc, in others she's just a starving kid and one of hundreds or thousands most likely. Very sad stuff at any rate.

Anyway its a very evocative image. Famine pictures aren't for the faint hearted.

You know that shit has to have happened. The photographer topped himself, Carter was also the first guy to photograph victims of 'necklacing' in SA . That's being killed by being immolated with a rubber tyre round your neck. Gruesome stuff.

The Manic Street Preachers wrote a song about him.

The Bulger case in the OP. That was a national story in the uk for a long time and it can still make front page today. It was just a terrible thing.

Two ten year olds, it boggled peoples minds. I felt the years in detention weren't enough given the severity of the crime but the only equivalent was the Mary Bell case and successful rehabilitation.

Despite 10 being the age of legal responsibility, I felt the court case was poorly handled.

What they did to that kid was beyond description, in Liverpool especially its a touchy subject. Those men (as they are now) have contracts on their lives.

The sentence was seen as way to lenient and they got new identities from tax payers money. It really fucking grinds the gears.

To incarcerate for to long removes any hope of rehabilitation. I think a case like that just exposes the system, judiciary, penal etc just isn't equipped to deal with children killing children. Its so rare.

Those kids became lab rats at the whim of home secretaries and specialists under pressure. I'd have given them a life sentence and if not fit to rejoin society then tough shit. Due to the circumstances and the authorities reluctance to place them at risk they're in a no mans land.

No-one feels justice was done. If their identity is exposed they are chopped liver and the authorities can be held responsible. Equally new identities are very expensive from the top of my head only Mary Bell, Maxine Carr and the Bulger killers have this.

Its a blanket press ban. When you consider those above however, apart from Bell who's old now and forgotten. The others might be safer in custody.
I'm honestly fascinated by shit like this, can't get enough.

Might not be the most healthy or productive thing in the world but I feel like it's human nature to be interested in these types of stories, morbid curiosity.
I'm honestly fascinated by shit like this, can't get enough.

Might not be the most healthy or productive thing in the world but I feel like it's human nature to be interested in these types of stories, morbid curiosity.

It's still there but they don't understand the seriousness of the situation.

You know some pretty fucking dumb 10 year olds.

And torturing animals is one of THE key signs that a kid is not right.
Appreciate you guys checking it out. I might link some more articles in the future. And I agree about the 14 yr old girl, the terror she went through is completely insane and pointless.

Now I'm glad I didn't click link. I hate disturbing stories. I want to live in a happy world full of rainbows and butterflies.