“If you fight and get caught with anabolic steroids you should get charged with attempted murder”

This is an argument that has been going on in boxing for years where some people say that taking PED's is not really any different to loading your gloves, which would result in assault charges. A tad over the top imo but they do have a point.

Imagine, heaven forbid, someone dies and then the fighter responsible tests positive for PED's. The repercussions would be massive.
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Lets compare how many guys have died with traumatic brain disorder to mma fighters....and you can't tell me, football players don't juice...again...they know the risks involved with it...you can't prove whether the steroids are the direct reason for the death..impossible to prove...and they are taking that risk of death...with or without steroids...
Lol im saying hes probably done juice himself ...
Jesus Christ learn how to use periods and commas. Ellipses aren't a replacement.

And no, they didn't agree to those conditions. PEDs are banned in MMA in the US. The fight was accepted assuming that a fighter would abide by that.

then if he fails the test...so be it...this isn't english class....the rules of literature, do not apply to online forums...
Ridiculous. Mittrione needs to move to Indonesia or one of those Asian/ME countries that shoot you for drug possession.

Fines are way to heavy as is. USADA have no way to prove you took anything. Just because it's in the bloodstream doesnt mean you were on a cycle. Could be sabotage, tainted supplements, etc.
Should be 6 month suspension max until they can prove you were on a cycle.
Is that the beating that made him retarded?


Im surprised matt didnt go all out licking his fingers while big baby was in his face. I guess this is his confused and some what intimidated face, and finger licking is his " im one scary badass mother fucker" type

Accent on the "if you get caught..."
then if he fails the test...so be it...this isn't english class....the rules of literature, do not apply to online forums...

The rules of literature apply to writing anything.
An attempted murder charge is ridiculous but it might not be too far to make ped use in combat sport a criminal offense.

Fighters who pop should at least lose a significant portion of there purse. Fighters lose money for missing weight.
Not sure if serious, but that´s pretty hetarded

There’s an old saying.. “those who scream the loudest have the most to hide."

any time someone comes out as a proponent against steroids I'm suspect

Lance armstrong did the same thing I believe

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