Elections “Don’t” - White House Refuses to Release Hur Interview

Rob Battisti

HR for HR
Jun 1, 2007
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While the transcripts of the interviews have already been released, Biden’s effort to block the recordings puts him in a politically awkward position: He has insisted that Hur has mischaracterized the interviews but is nonetheless trying to maintain secrecy over the raw audio.

“The absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings lays bare your likely goal — to chop them up, distort them, and use them for partisan political purposes,” White House Counsel Ed Siskel wrote in the letter to Republican House leaders Thursday morning revealing Biden’s decision. “Demanding such sensitive and constitutionally-protected law enforcement materials from the Executive Branch because you want to manipulate them for potential political gain is inappropriate.”

Biden claims he was unfairly characterized as an old memory impaired octogenarian in the transcripts yet refuses to release the audio that would, in his mind, exonerate him from being viewed as mentally impaired.

How does anyone who thinks he isn’t in cognitive decline defend this? Do you believe Garlands excuse?

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Biden claims he was unfairly characterized as an old memory impaired octogenarian in the transcripts yet refuses to release the audio that would, in his mind, exonerate him from being viewed has mentally impaired.

How does anyone who thinks he isn’t in cognitive decline defend this? Do you believe Garlands excuse?

weird argument. we won't release cause then you'll chop them up and make your own tape which would be misleading.

well, just release the entire recording to the public then.
well, just release the entire recording to the public then.

I'm not saying they shouldn't, but the public won't listen to long form interviews. They'll tune in to their preferred media outlet and watch whatever they have clipped. Each side will say it reaveals whatever they want their audence to believe it reveals and that audience will believe it.

Undeniable facts, truth, and context are irrelevant today.
I'm not saying they shouldn't, but the public won't listen to long form interviews. They'll tune in to their preferred media outlet and watch whatever they have clipped. Each side will say it reaveals whatever they want their audence to believe it reveals and that audience will believe it.

Undeniable facts, truth, and context are irrelevant today.

This is exactly what will happen. I still think they should release it but I'm not naive about what the media\youtubers will do with it.
Sounds like projection. "Whoa there, buddy, you're just going to do with it what we do to our oponents".

The excuse doesn't really make sense though. Hur already said Biden's brain is too far gone to stand trial, and everyone who isn't a hard partisan dem already knows he has brutal dementia, so a conversation that wasn't scripted for public release could only either confirm what people already knew, or it comes off great and makes people doubt the severity of his dementia. They already have all of the stumbles and bumbles and fabricated and nonsensical stories they could ever need, so the only minds that could change that would make you not want to release it is the people who've had to deny your crippling mental decline could hear it and find it no longer deniable.
Alright, so we'll just go with Hur's assessment that he's a drooling idiot. Like, what does he think he's hiding other than what most people already think? This move doesn't exactly make it go away.
It’s the sound of it.

It’s one thing to know someone is retarded, but then you actually see it, and it’s like ohh damn…..
It’s the sound of it.

It’s one thing to know someone is retarded, but then you actually see it, and it’s like ohh damn…..
In Biden's case, though? It's not like people aren't aware of his old man mush brain. This is like keeping a lid on the "Manhattan Project" after the bombs have dropped. Gee, I wonder what they're trying to hide...

Just another desperate finger trying to plug a hole on a ship that's already sunk.
I love it.

I'm not saying they shouldn't, but the public won't listen to long form interviews. They'll tune in to their preferred media outlet and watch whatever they have clipped. Each side will say it reaveals whatever they want their audence to believe it reveals and that audience will believe it.

Undeniable facts, truth, and context are irrelevant today.


Joe Rogan, Lex Friedman, Jordon Peterson, Tucker Carlson, and many others disagree.

I am for maximum transparency, whether it is Trump, Biden, whatever. Shouldn't we know the condition of Joe Biden's mental state, since that's what got him off having any indictments?

Joe Rogan, Lex Friedman, Jordon Peterson, Tucker Carlson, and many others disagree.

I am for maximum transparency, whether it is Trump, Biden, whatever. Shouldn't we know the condition of Joe Biden's mental state, since that's what got him off having any indictments?

Well, I certainly wouldn't want to disagree with podcaster on DMT, a disgraced shrink witha benzo problem, and the guy who argued in court that no one could/should take his persona seriously.

And disagree with what? Have they said they think the average american would watch a long form interview, because if that's the case they're just wrong there's a lot of history there. Or are they saying that the media wouldn't cherry pick clips? Because again... I think history is on my side here. That's just how the news and news adjascent programming works.

I think if he's getting off indictments for his mental state it should be based on some sort of diagnosis not an editorial note based on an inexpert opinion. I'm also not convinced that a bunch of armchair quarterbacks listening to an inverview are qualified to make that judgement.

As a general rule I think transparency is usually the best policy for most things, but I certainly don't support cherry picking where and when it should be applied for political reasons.

I would love it if we did actual full transparency. Let's have a televised cognative test, psych evaluation, medical exam, and civics test for all candidates. Let's have real time fact checking during debates and speeches. But I'm still not sure total transparency would result in better outcomes. We'd just better understand why things are they way they are.
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