Social Queer Planet: NBC film that looks at LGBTQ animals

The fact that animal sexuality is filled with brutality and rape somehow gets lost in the process of making Bambi trans. The whole argumentation around the bbbut animals are also trans is gradeschool level.
Its basically rape but femboys like @shockaholic12 read these studies and make it seem like these animals are crossing paths at the watering hole and finding themselves pouring hot wax on each other's nipples in bed later that night.
Its basically rape but femboys like @shockaholic12 read these studies and make it seem like these animals are crossing paths at the watering hole and finding themselves pouring hot wax on each other's nipples in bed later that night.

Now you’re backtracking from asking for proof it exists to calling it “animal rape” lol. You’re inching closer to reality.

Unless you’re going to quote some actual research on those species I posted that argues it’s “basically rape” I’ll assume it’s another dumb false assumption you’re throwing out.
Wait a second, how exactly am I back tracking?

So you have no evidence it’s rape. Lol
Copy that. I’m shocked.

If your argument this whole time was that gay behavior was “basically rape” you would have started there but you didn’t. You started with just asking for examples it existed. Once you got them you desperately started back tracking and googling animals pissing on themselves and accusing of them of just raping each other most of the time.

What you haven’t done is actually post any research because you’re just flinging shit against for wall here.
We all know that homosexuality exists.

We also all know that asking people to deny their sexuality is ludicrous.

Become a monk because someone is upset about it for no reason?
So you have no evidence it’s rape. Lol
Copy that. I’m shocked.

If your argument this whole time was that gay behavior was “basically rape” you would have started there but you didn’t. You started with just asking for examples it existed. Once you got them you desperately started back tracking and googling animals pissing on themselves and accusing of them of just raping each other most of the time.

What you haven’t done is actually post any research because you’re just flinging shit against for wall here.
Literally none of this happened. LOL.

The entire reason I brought up highly intelligent animals eating shit was to show case the absurdity of using studies to showcase homosexuality in the animal kingdom.

You then thought it was a big brain moment that I couldn't produce a study quantifying the rate at which they are shit.
Now you want a study to quantify whether or not it was actually rape?

Are getting a sense of the futility In talking to you or do you want a study quantifying your stupidity?
Literally none of this happened. LOL.

The entire reason I brought up highly intelligent animals eating shit was to show case the absurdity of using studies to showcase homosexuality in the animal kingdom.

You then thought it was a big brain moment that I couldn't produce a study quantifying the rate at which they are shit.
Now you want a study to quantify whether or not it was actually rape?

Are getting a sense of the futility In talking to you or do you want a study quantifying your stupidity?

Dogs eat cat shit because it contains nutrients the cat can't process, but the dog can benefit from.

You aren't a dog, so you probably aren't biologically inclined to eat cat shit, but you are a human that is biologically inclined to undertake many activities that other animals undertake.

"Animals do gross stuff I don't wanna do" is not a logical counterpoint to "that exists in nature", sorry.
I don't even get what's being argued here. Because some animals are gay somehow that has anything to do with humans?
Dogs eat cat shit because it contains nutrients the cat can't process, but the dog can benefit from.

You aren't a dog, so you probably aren't biologically inclined to eat cat shit, but you are a human that is biologically inclined to undertake many activities that other animals undertake.

"Animals do gross stuff I don't wanna do" is not a logical counterpoint to "that exists in nature", sorry.
Animals do all sorts of "stuff" I don't want to do including infanticide, rape, and eating their OWN shit (not another species shit). Why they do these things doesn't make a lick of difference in the context of this argument which you seemingly don't know the origins of.

The fact that you and the equity brigade like to refer to these studies without any idea as to how the stats are compiled, irrespective of the circumstances, as if to say "hey look, intelligent animals do it, therefore it's totally the norm and perfectly calibrated for their circumstances and this is completely relevant to our condition." Is peak delusion.

To that effect, yes, it's a suitable counter point to explaining a natural aversion to homosexuality (original argument from another thread) that runs contrary to the continuance of our species. You can have all sorts of theories as to why we engage in the acts but you aren't going to point to a manatee that raped another manatee to death as some sort of hard hitting science when animals do all sorts of dumb shit.
Literally none of this happened. LOL.

The entire reason I brought up highly intelligent animals eating shit was to show case the absurdity of using studies to showcase homosexuality in the animal kingdom.

You then thought it was a big brain moment that I couldn't produce a study quantifying the rate at which they are shit.
Now you want a study to quantify whether or not it was actually rape?

Are getting a sense of the futility In talking to you or do you want a study quantifying your stupidity?

You bringing up shit eating doesn’t showcase anything besides that you’re fucking strange lol. it has nothing to do with gay behavior and you can’t even show it occurs in any of the species we are talking about at any rate. You only found a gif of what looks like one monkey in zoo peeing on itself. It’s literally just a weird fixation you have that doesn’t even seem to occur normally except in your imagination.

Same with the rape stuff. None of the research I posted describes the gay behavior as anything close to “basically rape”. That’s just another weird thing your imagination came up with because you have a weird desire to make it the behavior a negative thing.

If you posted a single study or any research that would imply you’re grasping reality you wouldn’t seem like meth head screeching in a 7-11 but here we are lol.
Animals do all sorts of "stuff" I don't want to do including infanticide, rape, and eating their OWN shit (not another species shit). Why they do these things doesn't make a lick of difference in the context of this argument which you seemingly don't know the origins of.

The fact that you and the equity brigade like to refer to these studies without any idea as to how the stats are compiled, irrespective of the circumstances, as if to say "hey look, intelligent animals do it, therefore it's totally the norm and perfectly calibrated for their circumstances and this is completely relevant to our condition." Is peak delusion.

To that effect, yes, it's a suitable counter point to explaining a natural aversion to homosexuality (original argument from another thread) that runs contrary to the continuance of our species. You can have all sorts of theories as to why we engage in the acts but you aren't going to point to a manatee that raped another manatee to death as some sort of hard hitting science when animals do all sorts of dumb shit.

You know what's a really poor effort at justifying an aversion to homosexuality, or whatever?

"Continuation of the species" like sex has never been a pleasurable activity and purely exists for procreation.

That's some fantasy thinking right there completely detached from any reality I'm aware of.

I prefer to stay attached to reality and accept people do stuff because they enjoy it, and so long as there's an assenting adult involved in that activity, any aversion is just some dude's personal perversion.
You know what's a really poor effort at justifying an aversion to homosexuality, or whatever?

"Continuation of the species" like sex has never been a pleasurable activity and purely exists for procreation.

That's some fantasy thinking right there completely detached from any reality I'm aware of.

I prefer to stay attached to reality and accept people do stuff because they enjoy it, and so long as there's an assenting adult involved in that activity, any aversion is just some dude's personal perversion.
Yes, life affirming things tend to set off our reward pathways so we pursue their ultimate end. Sometimes we isolate the pleasurable aspects and exercise the functions in pursuit of those ends and not their inherent ones.

What's peak degeneracy is you coming here explaining the intricacies of dogs eating cat shit and then turning around and reducing sex to "yea we do things cause they feel good too not because there's an ultimate purpose.....your so detached hehe."

But yea, you stay "attached" to reality.
Animals do all sorts of "stuff" I don't want to do including infanticide, rape, and eating their OWN shit (not another species shit). Why they do these things doesn't make a lick of difference in the context of this argument which you seemingly don't know the origins of.

The fact that you and the equity brigade like to refer to these studies without any idea as to how the stats are compiled, irrespective of the circumstances, as if to say "hey look, intelligent animals do it, therefore it's totally the norm and perfectly calibrated for their circumstances and this is completely relevant to our condition." Is peak delusion.

To that effect, yes, it's a suitable counter point to explaining a natural aversion to homosexuality (original argument from another thread) that runs contrary to the continuance of our species. You can have all sorts of theories as to why we engage in the acts but you aren't going to point to a manatee that raped another manatee to death as some sort of hard hitting science when animals do all sorts of dumb shit.

Again, this stuff is brought up after conservatives start bringing uneducated assumptions about gay behavior being a crime against nature and evolution and is paint it as some negative outlier in living things. Loads of research simply shows that’s bullshit. So if you want to stick to “it offends my feels” fine just leave the nature stuff and facts out of it.
Yes, life affirming things tend to set off our reward pathways so we pursue their ultimate end. Sometimes we isolate the pleasurable aspects and exercise the functions in pursuit of those ends and not their inherent ones.

What's peak degeneracy is you coming here explaining the intricacies of dogs eating cat shit and then turning around and reducing sex to "yea we do things cause they feel good too not because there's an ultimate purpose.....your so detached hehe."

But yea, you stay "attached" to reality.

Peak cope is "sex for pleasure is a reduction of sex".

Nobody really believes that, they just pretend to when it suits them.

They will flimflam on it endlessly to hide the obvious ridiculousness of that sentiment.

The same doinks that preach this nonsense in 2024 are likely cheating on their wives, sodomizing them, or wanking into socks and pretending they don't do that shit because it's wrong.

Fuck outta here.
Peak cope is "sex for pleasure is a reduction of sex".

Nobody really believes that, they just pretend to when it suits them.

They will flimflam on it endlessly to hide the obvious ridiculousness of that sentiment.

The same doinks that preach this nonsense in 2024 are likely cheating on their wives, sodomizing them, or wanking into socks and pretending they don't do that shit because it's wrong.

Fuck outta here.
I think people believe it but just don't really care. You're lying if you say you aren't aware of why things are taboo.
Peak cope is "sex for pleasure is a reduction of sex".

Nobody really believes that, they just pretend to when it suits them.

They will flimflam on it endlessly to hide the obvious ridiculousness of that sentiment.

The same doinks that preach this nonsense in 2024 are likely cheating on their wives, sodomizing them, or wanking into socks and pretending they don't do that shit because it's wrong.

Fuck outta here.
By definition it is a reduction of sex, dumb ass.

Sex is for procreation but we do it for pleasure (its byproduct) from time to time. No one's coming after you and your boyfriend, you can continue being an ass eater if you want.
I think people believe it but just don't really care. You're lying if you say you aren't aware of why things are taboo.

Things can be taboo for any number of reasons.

That doesn't make any of the reasons things have been historically taboo as reasonable or logical.

Often it amounts to someone, at some point, deciding "I don't like that" and trying to enforce that opinion.

Taboo is a weird word, though, as it involves everything from wearing a baseball cap at a fine dining restaurant or eating with a knife and fork to actual crime.
By definition it is a reduction of sex, dumb ass.

Sex is for procreation but we do it for pleasure (its byproduct) from time to time. No one's coming after you and your boyfriend, you can continue being an ass eater if you want.

No it isn't, dumb dumb.

Sex serves at least two purposes that we can agree on: pleasure and procreation.

You insisting it serves only one purpose for whatever bullshit reason is the real reduction. You're taking two widely acknowledged purposes and pretending it only has one.


You know what that word means, right?

You know what's a really poor effort at justifying an aversion to homosexuality, or whatever?

"Continuation of the species" like sex has never been a pleasurable activity and purely exists for procreation.

That's some fantasy thinking right there completely detached from any reality I'm aware of.

I prefer to stay attached to reality and accept people do stuff because they enjoy it, and so long as there's an assenting adult involved in that activity, any aversion is just some dude's personal perversion.

What if it's naturally ingrained into our brains to find stuff like two dudes kissing each other gross? How is that perverted on my end? That makes no sense.
What if it's naturally ingrained into our brains to find stuff like two dudes kissing each other gross? How is that perverted on my end? That makes no sense.

If it was natural (rather than taught by asswipes) to find blokes kissing each other gross, you would also find hot women kissing each other gross.

And if it was natural (rather than taught by asswipes) to find blokes and hot girls kissing each other gross, then you would see that reflected in the 'natural' animal kingdom, with any animals that engaged in homosexuality ostracized, exiled, or killed.