Pro wrestling hot takes

I just don't understand why the WWE pushes this narrative that Shawn and Bret are some of the all time greats when they're not
DX wasn't nearly as over WWE pretends they were NWO Wolfpack outshined them in 98. So did Austin,Rock,Foley,Undertaker,Kane,Sable, Vince and Shane McMahon.
He failed at what matters most though (box office).
Not in my household!


My dad is a very chill dude, but he downright forbade me from wearing this shirt in public in 1995
Their IM match is overrated as fuck and I'm dying with that opinion.

I generally don't think it's as overrated as people say it is. It was the first IM match under the biggest lights on live tv. Plus it was Pre-Attitude era so matches were generally slower imo.
I generally don't think it's as overrated as people say it is. It was the first IM match under the biggest lights on live tv. Plus it was Pre-Attitude era so matches were generally slower imo.

I only regard it as a disappointment due to the skill level of the two men involved. They definitely could have brought more to the match than they did. Plus, the decision to go that long with no falls failed to heighten the tension the way they hoped it would.

I like the match a lot, but if I had to fall on one side of the line or the other, I'd fall into the "overrated" camp.
I only regard it as a disappointment due to the skill level of the two men involved. They definitely could have brought more to the match than they did. Plus, the decision to go that long with no falls failed to heighten the tension the way they hoped it would.

I like the match a lot, but if I had to fall on one side of the line or the other, I'd fall into the "overrated" camp.

See I fall on the opposite side. You said they could have brought more to the match but imo asking 2 individuals to wrestle for 20 minutes is a lot, much less a full hour at Wrestlemania of all places. This is why I do not think it is overrated. Asking most people to do any physical ability for a full hour is a lot.
More of a question than a hot take, but I have no idea why Undertaker was so over. His move set was limited, nothing really going on mic-wise (he literally admitted this), and once the whole immortal thing went away, there wasn't really much interesting about him. No idea how he stayed popular for so long.
More of a question than a hot take, but I have no idea why Undertaker was so over. His move set was limited, nothing really going on mic-wise (he literally admitted this), and once the whole immortal thing went away, there wasn't really much interesting about him. No idea how he stayed popular for so long.

Taker was over because as a "big" man he could actually wrestle and hold a decent match when other guys his size or larger could not generally. Other guys around Taker's size had worse mic skills (i.e. Big Show), could not wrestle as well (i.e. Kevin Nash) and an old Undertaker and an old Shawn Michaels put on 2 of the best matches in Wrestlemania history (I think they were both in their mid 40's at the time).

I still think Lesnar beating Taker at Mania was one of the worst decisions of all time, but imo Taker was important for a few reasons.

-He made the Paul Bearer character better than it should have been.
-It helped make the Kane character that much better overall.
-When the brand separations happened for the first time Undertaker and Cena were the only big names on Smackdown before Super Cena existed. Undertaker was one of the few bright spots on a dull Smackdown with a dull champion (JBL).
-I don't think Orton becomes as big a name without guys like Foley, Undertaker and Triple H.
-Also outside of Cena I think Taker was one of Edge's best feuds at the height of Edge's career.
More of a question than a hot take, but I have no idea why Undertaker was so over. His move set was limited, nothing really going on mic-wise (he literally admitted this), and once the whole immortal thing went away, there wasn't really much interesting about him. No idea how he stayed popular for so long.
Because of Judgment Day 1998, that's why.

Brock is still the last great true monster heel, possibly the greatest "monster heel" since Andre.

(I don't consider Roman a monster, great heel, but not a monster)

And I think Kurt Angle is truly underrated as a performer. The guy could go in the ring and could get any persona over.
AJPW in the 1990's sucked and was vastly inferior to NJPW, which peaked from the mid 90's to the mid 00's with the Inoki-ism.

Early-Mid 90's AJPW and AJW were the peak of wrestling in-ring imo. I tried to watch AEW recently to get back into it but it's shit compared to those two.