People who stand too close to you in line at the store

The other day I was inline and a guy came up and stood beside me. It was kind of odd
Just beat him up like you did to the senior citizen that crossed you

You should have just used Mace to the face and then watched his comedy routine as he blindly panicked to get away/get you

THAT is what Tom would have done
Happens all the time. Especially during COVID and during unmasked still gots COVID. What's worst is assholes so close you can feel their germs breath on your neck. Sometimes I think maybe I should accidentally turn and elbow someone. There's no reason when there's so much space. Next time if a fart is locked and loaded, it's coming out.
You need to learn from this violent unsung hero.

The land whale kept getting close to the guy and even bumped to him a few times. He then filled the checkout line with shopping carts

That woman's situational awareness rank in the minus categories lol

how the fuck do you not catch a guy picking up a big bright colored shopping cart over his head
You are going to hate India or Cambodia. There are parts of the world where the people stand really close to you. I don't like it but it is the norm over there. Even in Japan drunk people were touching me but they said my arm was big so all was forgiven.
My issue is more with folks in line that wait till their turn to make up mind what they want, ask a million questions, have a person conversation with cashier, ask for like 10 samples........
hopefully there will be a pandemic so we can train everyone to embrace social distancing
So I was at the local convenience store/gas station. Ran in quick to grab a drink after I got some gas.

While I'm at the counter and the guy is ringing me up, I feel breathe against my neck. Very warm, sticky feeling breath. I think I felt some spit too. Mouth breather.

I do a spin around and some crackhead looking dude is literally standing about 2 inches behind me, slightly to the right. Breathing heavy with body language that indicated he was in a rush and had 0 patience. He was so close I almost bumped him when I turned around.

I always stand at least a foot behind the person in front of me. I don't know what the deal was with this guy, but it wasnt the first time this happened. Some people just really, really stand too close.

Anyone have this happen to them?
fill the room with uppercuts my guy!
I'm nor sure what it was about. I just took a step forward and he stayed back
Every time someone behind me is too close, I take one stride away and they immediately get closer.
I'm a big dude so when this happens i take a step back like i don't know anyone's there and send them flying. if they act up i say what were you doing so close, but it's like one in 100 that does.

assholes need to learn.
I'd never put up with that and you shouldn't either. Especially from a fucking crackhead.