Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

Hey Olbermann, will you be changing your name to Idrankyourpiss this November?

will this be happening before or after they release obama's real birth certificate, molestini cheetolini's new health care plan, and his evidence of election fraud? need to know so i can plan my parade.

diddly doodly motherfucker.
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Another dead giveaway that you are Super Nintendo is the "chud" thing. Most other right wingers don't seem to care much about it, but it's always gotten to you.

whatever you wanna think sir.

You'll have to ask Hillary about Obama's birth certificate, that was her thang.

We all know that there was election fraud, everyone watched it happen in real time.

So are you going to cry in November, or what?
Did you happen to watch that on a network that paid out $800 million for lying to you?
Biden's reign of terror has been so bad, that when Trump crushes him this fall, even the sissy piss-boys on the Left won't riot like they did in 2017.
I don't know what your previous accounts were but you're far gone. "Reign of Terror", really, that's what you're going with? <LikeReally5>
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Another dead giveaway that you are Super Nintendo is the "chud" thing. Most other right wingers don't seem to care much about it, but it's always gotten to you.
There's been no doubt it's him since he started posting in here. His posting style is too distinctive. Hopefully he realizes that and toes the line because I'm sure the mods have him on a short leash.
that wasn't it pal. so sad too bad. you're just going to have to pull up your trumpy dumps and cope and seethe my friend. get that perpetual victimhood dance of yours ready to go pal. tick tock!

so whats your excuse going to be? how are we going to spin this one?

"OMG how could the jurors still choose to believe cohen after telling that 'lie' which was debunked right in front of us?!?"

or maybe the deep state judge and his trump-hating daughter have sabotaged this trial? the jurors have TDS? weaponized witch hunt orchestrated by the biden crime syndicate? election interference and political persecution? i'll bet that hunters laptop and hillary's emails had something to do with this too! i'm sure we'll have all kinds of evidence that would cooborate such wild claims, but we'll have to wait for the crackhead pillow salesman to finish going over the rest of that evidence of election fraud before we get to see any of it.
I don’t know what you are rambling about but cohen admitted, under oath, while being cross examined by the defense that the phone call with trump never happened.

I don’t know what you are rambling about but cohen admitted, under oath, while being cross examined by the defense that the phone call with trump never happened.

yes. we know. he called his bodyguard, who was with trump. he told them that he was dealing with some prank callers and that the stormy daniels deal was done, and then he got off the phone and that was it.

the jury has now seen the evidence of the two of them together at the same timeframe, which cooberates his testimony.

why are you so fixated on this nothingburger anyways? it's time to move on to a new bottle of top shelf cope. hey the jurors sure had a good laugh at sideshow bob yesterday. what do you think today has in store? do you think von schitzenpantz will grow a pair of balls and decide to testify like he said he would? or is the devoted christian family man busy hanging out with some whore from the gangbang videos while fantasizing about fucking his daughter again? that pesky deep state judge wouldn't allow him to testify or whatever i'm sure.

hey speaking of taking the stand and testifying, you know who won't be getting slapped with perjury? michael cohen. cope and seethe muppet. cope and seethe.
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Quoting the guy, who replaced your hero, Tuck because Tuck's lies cost his network damn near 800 million, made me giggle this morning. Thank you.

oh shit he's gonna have some more buyers remorse. somebody get this guy a new username!
looks like team turd will not be calling any more witnesses after sideshow bob gets off the stand, and the defense will be resting their case before they even made any case. the prosecutions rebuttal will start after that and then it will go to closing arguments which will probably begin next tuesday. jury could be deliberating by the end of next week.
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