Zuckerberg schedules black lives matter training at facebook headquarters


Green Belt
Oct 2, 2015
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What's the problem?
How many likes did he get?
Sounds fine.

Trolling for outrage
"All lives matter" is just an innocent-sounding way of saying "The problem you're addressing doesn't exist. There is no problem."
While this isn't a huge deal for me, #alllivesmatter only exists to take the black out of it.



the whole movement is the latest attempt to get babied some more by a nation
that is altogether too adept at babying its infantile populace.
Zuckerberg involved in thought policing? No way.

Merkel has enlisted Facebook to help out in Germany as well to assist in pushing politics.
He can go somewhere. That being said, it is his product, and company. You don't have to like it. You can always not use it. You can always not work there.
Zuckerberg involved in thought policing? No way.

Merkel has enlisted Facebook to help out in Germany as well to assist in pushing politics.
Zuckerberg allows people to write on the walls there. As he said before, there has never been rules about it until people recently started crossing out what others had written.

Asking people not to silence the opinions of other makes him the thought police. Logic.
his walls his rules. Doesn't make BLM any less ridiculous.
Zuckerberg makes money from the fuckery of the "youths," it brings his sites a lot of hits. Whatever it takes to continue that going, he will do.
Facebook/twitter/instagram/ ect all tools used to Social Engineer Society....

They are manipulating history ....and in this particular case, Suckerberg is stirring the pot, trying to get everyone worked up fighting amongst each other.

Meh, Im big on personal responsibility. Blacks need to start respecting each other, start fathering their children, and finish high school.
Facebook/twitter/instagram/ ect all tools used to Social Engineer Society....

They are manipulating history ....and in this particular case, Suckerberg is stirring the pot, trying to get everyone worked up fighting amongst each other.

Powerful people are people. If you ever meet and talk with them, you can see things from their point of view, and they aren't big spooky monsters. There will always be the odd Kissinger here and there, and a lot of the politicians really are slimeballs, but on balance, you would be pleasantly surprised.
this is fine, but i have more of a problem w/ them suspending accounts for what apparently Zuck deems 'offensive'. i've literally seen this happen to people that didn't post anything remotely offensive, people are just whiners