Media Zhang Weili in Paris

At this point I would not be opposed to skipping Dean right ahead for a title shot if Suarez is unable. Just get Zhang a fight.

One that is not Jandiroba.

click for video

Reminds me of a Korean girl I dated long ago. I met her in Toronto. We went out a couple of times, and hit it off. She was a tourist, and would be going back to South Korea soon. I'd be going there to teach English soon, so of course we agreed to meet up there. Several months later: I knocked on her door in Seoul, and a not-beautiful girl answered. It was her, without the make-up. It was shocking, the difference. The girl I'd gone out with a few times in Toronto was wearing Zhang Weili make-up 2.0 the whole time.
Reminds me of a Korean girl I dated long ago. I met her in Toronto. We went out a couple of times, and hit it off. She was a tourist, and would be going back to South Korea soon. I'd be going there to teach English soon, so of course we agreed to meet up there. Several months later: I knocked on her door in Seoul, and a not-beautiful girl answered. It was her, without the make-up. It was shocking, the difference. The girl I'd gone out with a few times in Toronto was wearing Zhang Weili make-up 2.0 the whole time.
Ok, I’m intrigued, what happened next? You just can’t leave us hanging like that.
Ok, I’m intrigued, what happened next? You just can’t leave us hanging like that.
Nothing story-worthy happened. My job was in another city, so shortly after that reunion at her home I left her city, and never saw her again. I was no longer attracted to her, sorry to say, and maybe this hurt her feelings, but I can't remember.