Your reaction when Cody told Dom "I've never had to chase pussy in my life"

The delivery was just awful. Cruz is not a good trash talker either, but I did like the line about buying a house from beating his teammates. Garbrandt comes across as a hot head and pretty douchey. I personally only think he has a puncher's chance, but we'll see.
>I've never had to chase pussy in my life and on dec 30th I'm not gonna start
"wow i wonder how long he thought about that scripted line? fucking lame"

>animal balloons with the left hand
Would be a good line if it didn't come from a manlet that 90% of girls are laughing because they are smaller than their little brother.
Lol Why is everyone trying to make sense out of what this moron said?
News Flash: Stupid people say stupid things that don't make sense
"You look like pee wee Herman with that tie on."

“I’m gonna eat up everything you got.” - Cody “Phrasing” Garbrandt
That makes no sense whatsoever. ZERO. If you are correct, and is implying Cruz is the pussy, than he just admitted he ZERO experience working toward catching (it)! If he is INDEED suggest that he doesn't have to lift a pinky and females all do all the work for him, I fail to see how one would expect that he will be successful at something he has neither EVER done nor attempted to do.

If your "line of reasoning" were correct, the right delivery would have been I have chased pussy down my entire life and NEVER fail to land it. You will be no different!

Hes never had to chase pussy because it just comes to him. He isnt about to start chasing dom the pussy, he is going to walk into the cage and slay him quickly. Just like he does with women. GET IT??
That makes no sense whatsoever. ZERO. If you are correct, and is implying Cruz is the pussy, than he just admitted he ZERO experience working toward catching (it)! If he is INDEED suggest that he doesn't have to lift a pinky and females all do all the work for him, I fail to see how one would expect that he will be successful at something he has neither EVER done nor attempted to do.

If your "line of reasoning" were correct, the right delivery would have been I have chased pussy down my entire life and NEVER fail to land it. You will be no different!
No bro, hes simply saying he doesnt chase pussy AKA women. They come to him. But he is gonna chase pussy this time AKA dom.
For those that might not get it, hes imlplying that cruz is a pussy and hes gonna chase him. Hes also trying to acknowledge that he pulls mad bitches without trying. No love is wittier that you guys all thought.

It was obvious what he was trying to just didn't have the right intonation to make it proper trash talk...and therefore came off as's the difference between reading the script and being able to convincingly act out the script
He's 5'2 he had to be chasing it a little bit before he became a pro fighter, lol.
U loled only to this line? Basically everything Cody said was a train wreck.... Some really needs to hire TAM a trash talking coach, from Chad vs Conor, now Cody... Omfg, their trash talk is terrible

Pretty much everyone's trash talking is terrible. Cruz saying a guy who looks nothing like pee wee herman looks like pee wee herman was stupid. You can't just say "you look like XX" when they look nothing like that person. Even against TJ he was just talking a lot and interrupting TJ a lot it was dumb.
What are you talking about?!
Poor picture without the necktat.
I felt embarrassed for him.

Cody reminds me of those stupid rich white kids pretending to be black thugs.

Guy is just straight up pathetic cannot wait to see Dom school his ass in the ring.
Poor picture without the necktat.
I saw his post, googled a picture, shooped it, uploaded and replied, all within 6-8 minutes.
But if you like another one, i can add a nice frame to it with flowers and ribbons, just for you :)
U loled only to this line? Basically everything Cody said was a train wreck.... Some really needs to hire TAM a trash talking coach, from Chad vs Conor, now Cody... Omfg, their trash talk is terrible

Angela Hill agrees with you!

Some tall chicks have this weird thing for short guys. I dunno why. I think its similar to skinny white guys loving fat black chicks. Though I have to say, there is a difference between a 5'6 manlet and a 5'3 manlet. Inches matter boys.