Your favourite MMA movie scene

All fight scenes in all films, be it mma, action, wrestling etc, have to bow to the one true legendary fight scene

Mel Gibson pulling out the triangle (right?) Against Joshua in lethal weapon.
The big fight scene between the Wing-Kong and the Chang-Sings in the alley in Big trouble in little China. One dude gets another guy in the clinch with a 2x4 behind his head and then proceeds to knee him through it. Best knee in a clinch ever.




Arlovskis fight scenes in universal soldier regeneration.
I can't search a gif at this moment but the movie where the teacher fights his Marine brother and injures him with a omoplata, i think, even though he wanted his brother to tap.

I like it because it's like hey you're my brother and I love you but I got kids and a wife so I'm going to fuck your shoulder up if you don't tap so please tap.

the UFC should use some kind of glove like this to avoid eye pokes.
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