Your best road rage story.

So. The way my neighborhood is situated you have to pass a stop light then about a half a block up you need to turn into my neighborhood. So I'm trying to get into the middle lane from and this dude won't let me in. I slow down and he slows down, I speed up and he speeds up. He just won't budge so finally I pass him at the light. I mean I have been trying to pass this guy for about half a mile. As I'm waiting to turn into my neighborhood from the turning lane he stops next to me and rolls down the window. At this moment I notice that he is wearing a uniform. He proceeds to tell me that I can get a ticket for passing like and asshole.

I look and he is in a firefighters uniform. This pisses me off even more. So I ask him, who was going to give me a ticket? I say your a fire fighter. You can do shit to me. He starts yelling at me. I tell him to fuck off before I get out of my truck and whip his ass.

At that time I am also answering a call from my wife. I tell her what happened and why I'm yelling. I just turn into my neighborhood. I was fucking pissed. I guarantee that douche bag has used his uniform to intimidate other people.

I would have called him a hose monkey. He would have lost his shit big time.
I was at home when my wife calls: "a guy cut me off so I gave him the figure and now he is following me honking, riding my ass. He cut me off and I've almost got into an acicdent." My kid, probably less than 2 at that time, was in the car.

I grabbed my baseball bat and went outside and waited in front of the house. Wife pulls up in front of the house fast, the car pulls up with the guy yelling. I think i hit the drivers window 3 to 5 times before the guy drove away.

It was my only real violent act since I was a teenager.
Saw one like this out of state before. Dude in front of us was driving f like a mad man, tailgating the hell out of some pick up. We hit a red and dude gets out and we can hear him yelling at the pickup that he's gonna fuck him up. Guy was a hipster and didn't look near capable of kicking anyone's ass.

Well dude in the truck calmly steps out and brushes his jacket aside showing a sheriff's star and 1911. Points at hipster dudeand tells him "get the fuck back in your car!"

Hipster dude puts his hands up, stammered something about being sorry and not meaning it and got back in his car. Dude looked like a kicked puppy.

lol. thats what this shit sack looked like.
I saw a man in an Aston Martin drive past stationary traffic for several hundred metres on the wrong side of the weaving round oncoming traffic. I caught up with him later at some traffic lights and made a hand gesture in his direction. He carved out of his lane, and flew in front of me, braking heavily in order to force me to crash, but I was able to stop in time. He got out the car, all red-faced, fat and sweaty (and fairly close to a coronary, as far as I could tell), but before he had a chance to do anything, a policeman appeared out of nowhere and arrested him on the spot. The copper then told me to move away, as my tears of laughter were making the angry man even more angry.
I saw a man in an Aston Martin drive past stationary traffic for several hundred metres on the wrong side of the weaving round oncoming traffic. I caught up with him later at some traffic lights and made a hand gesture in his direction. He carved out of his lane, and flew in front of me, braking heavily in order to force me to crash, but I was able to stop in time. He got out the car, all red-faced, fat and sweaty (and fairly close to a coronary, as far as I could tell), but before he had a chance to do anything, a policeman appeared out of nowhere and arrested him on the spot. The copper then told me to move away, as my tears of laughter were making the angry man even more angry.
Sounds like retirement isn't going well for Jame Bond.
I seldom lose it in traffic. When people flip their lid on me I just blow them a kiss. That usually makes things even more interesting. I had some idiot follow me home once, but the duche didn't have the balls to get out. Him honking at me or flipping the bird didn't bother me, but my blood was boiling when he pulled up to my driveway. Probably a good thing he kept driving after slowing down.
A few days ago I was out riding around in my car, at a red light this truck with a couple of white teenage wannabe gangsters sitting in the back pulled up beside me, as the light turned green one of the kids threw a cup of water at my truck, gave me the finger, and yelled "fuck you bitch" and started laughing, they tried to speed off but there was another red light up ahead so I sped up beside them, grabbed a water bottle and a tire knocker out of the back seat and went fucking crazy. I took the cap off of the water and nailed the little fuck that threw water in the head with the bottle, at that point I started yelling at them like a fucking mad man while wielding the tire knocker and they were panicking, they were screaming at the driver to run the light which he did, at that point I just got back in the car and continued on about my business. I have to admit it feels pretty damn good to lash out at someone, that must be why road rage is so common.
My story is actually pretty tame so I was wondering if anyone has some better one? What's the best road rage incident you've been involved in?

Moral of the story is, you should be medicated.

I was on the freeway in stop and go traffic. Some douche was riding the ass of this guy who was in his work van. Of course when the guy in Van stopped, the douche rear ended him. In the middle of the freeway, the guy gets out of the van and walks up to the douche in his car, who's window was rolled down in anticipation of exchanging info in the middle of the fucking freeway. Anyway, the van guy just socked him in the face as hard as he could, got in his van, and continued driving. He is my hero.

The world could use a few more heroes like that
I'd been busting my ass in extreme heat all day. On the way home I get tailgated hard for about 3 miles. My fuse is short. I come to a stop sign. I hop out of my truck and plan on pulling this douche out of his car by his throat.

As I approach the car I see that it is actually a short-haired high school girl and she is now scared absolutely shitless. I just turned around, got back into my truck and left because I felt like a complete schmuck. It was not my proudest moment.
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