Your best Joe Rogan moment

I think it was one of the fights on either UFC 47 or 49 but he claimed on air that people get knocked out because your jaw bone slides back into a nerve and that's what makes you go unconscious lol
Him losing his shit when Nate finished Conor. I was on the same page.
His reaction to DC/Stipe 1 is my favorite.

He used to refer to guys trying to finishing a fight and punching themselves out at “blowing their loads”

“Chuck has him hurt, but needs to be careful not to blow his load here”

shit was hilarious

Jesus, I had forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder. It was so corny. I laughed, a lot.
when good friend Rogan talked Brenda Schaub into retirement. that was seriously nice thing to do.
Him talking about gorillas.

To be honest i haven't seen any best moments from him, he's too high on weed or dmt to tell he's coherent.

lmaooooo did joerogan ever talk about this on his podcast old Coleman ragdolled him n didn’t even mean too imagine in prime he would have went thru the wall lollllllllllll
"I look like a violent person"
