Yoels testing record for the last two years.
(2 samples generally means blood and urine collected in one session - not two visits by testers)
9/6/16 2 samples
29/6/16 2 samples
31/8/16 2 samples
19/10/16 3 samples
===UFC205 1 sample
28/12/16 1 sample
18/1/17 2 samples
1/3/17 1 sample
31/5/17 2 samples
15/7/17 1 sample
==UFC213 2 samples
18/8/17 1 sample
15/11/17 1 sample
20/12/17 1 sample
31/1/18 2 samples
==UFC221 1 sample
7/3/18 2 samples
the only time hes been visited twice in the same month was October and June 2016
He is one of the most tested though, but even then, visited by testers 8 times in 2017...
Shows that despite all the efforts, the UFC/USADA program still falls short to a degree..
Is 8 times a year enough?