Yep, another Bones thread

We don't even know how many law-suits Juicehead has gotten out of at this point.
No way he'd get out of a breach of contract suit from the UFC
Woulda coulda woulda, roidhead trying to stay relevant
I sincerely doubt that just because he's on PED suspension (his fault) he'd somehow be allowed to compete elsewhere without being sued for everything he's got.

nope contract is frozen due to ped suspention
I bet if Columbia had a league he'd be there in a second
I sincerely doubt that just because he's on PED suspension (his fault) he'd somehow be allowed to compete elsewhere without being sued for everything he's got.

it wouldn't that cause his contract is frozen cause it a ped suspention
The ufc would sue the shit out of him, and the commissions would never let him fight in the US again.
The ufc would sue the shit out of him, and the commissions would never let him fight in the US again.
Liddell vs Tito could set a huge precendent for one big fight, boxing style cards. Jones could go overseas for a few years then fight some other big name on an indian reservation in the states.
We don't even know how many law-suits Juicehead has gotten out of at this point.

Jon has never intentionally taken any known PED or suppliment to cheat.. Jon has never cheated at all..

You see, the local Triad was after him for some debts, so they laced all coke in the area with steroids, just incase Jon jones ever had a sniff, then they could take him down from the shadows..

And to be clear, Jon never actually took said coke that the Triads had laced in his area.. There happened to be a homeless cokehead that stumbled and collapsed next to Jon jones hotel rental, crashed right down next to an aircon, and the mans coke pile spilled out and the steroid laced coke got sucked up straight through the aircon right into jons bedroom, and subsequently went up Jons nostrils while he was sleeping.

Then they tapped into his Dick Pill supply by attacking the local gastations near Jons training proximity, you see, the Triad are so advanced with their intel, that they somehow calculated that a 28 year old athlete at the top of his game, that works out non stop with excellent circulation and bloodflow, somehow still needed Dick pills to get hard, so they slid some roids' in them to make sure that no matter what, Jon fails yet again.

The car crash was also nothing to do with Jon, Jon was out partying and drove home in his early beta version of the Self Driving Tesla and while Jon was admittedly under the influence, since the Tesla was set to auto drive, he did assume there was nothing to worry about, so in the meantime, Jon had crashed out asleep from all the alcohol, so when he came to he simply assumed he had arrived at his destination and left the vehicle and headed back to his property, how was Jon to ever expect that his car crashed into a pregnant lady?
But I gotta know....

Would he not get the SHIT sued out of him if he did this?! I feel like he'd never be able to compete stateside ever again.

He might get sued but he would likely win.

He cannot compete in the UFC and that his is method of earning a living.

Courts tend to side with defendants that need to work

Given the UFC purposely defines their fighters as independent contractors good luck in blocking Jones from fighting elsewhere

It's different in a case like Randy couture where he could compete in the UFC but wanted to fight elsewhere

Jones could fight overseas right up until he is licensed to fight In the UFC again