Social Yearning for a past memory that does not exist...

What you say is true and often times it is very noticeable in recollecting old tv shows and movies since unlike memory you can re watch it to confirm the scenes that a person may or may not remember it differently.

What I'm thinking about is thinking about the past and trying to change it in my head with a whole new set of different group of people. All while self aware of it being fabricated.

I know it falls in to the category of yearning since we yearn for a good future but I guess some folks yearn for a better past to keep themselves together better in spirit and health. I just remember it having a name.

A change in perspective/viewpoint that supports you/ & growth rather than holding u back; not just making shit up.
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You're talking about imagination and fantasies about the past.
By imagining events differently than they happened you are trying to change how the events shaped you.
Comes from a dissatisfaction with your present self. Ultimately it's a form of denial