Yancy Medeiros getting a hair transplant

Has anyone ever gotten those prp injections ? Those can work too I hear

His hairline is a bit high but he doesn’t seem to be balding. He’s going to look great with a normal sized hairline. Id do same procedure if I had the money.

@Wadtucket where you're at motherfucker, we need your expert take on this.

I, for one, love Norwaad 3.5 vertex copers justify their hair transplant with inspirational quotes
Barber: what will we be doing today?
Yancy: you ever been to Dagestan?
Barber: say no more

Haha, when you're on you're on.

As someone who has been observing hairlines and power levels for many years, the insidious effects of hairline recession and the way they affect the confidence and physical prowess of the athlete in question is something from which there is no return. You can't trick nature. These kinds of coping strategies are nothing more than smoke and mirrors. The only true solution is to embrace it to the fullest and keep slinging dick. e.g.: Usman, Rogan, Burr, Jordan, etc. No in-between.