Wrists bad habit


Purple Belt
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
During punches i turn my wrists as you can see below.
Never knew i was doing it in this way until i filmed shadow boxing without gloves.
How to fix it? Tight wraps and filming technique?

wp_ss_20160727_0003.png wp_ss_20160727_0004.png wp_ss_20160727_0005.png wp_ss_20160727_0006.png wp_ss_20160727_0007.png
Only the first frame looks bad to me, you do want to hit with the point of the knuckles rather than a completely flat fist, so a slight angle is ok.

You don't bend your wrist weird when hitting the bag do you? That would be sort of ... self correcting in that it would hurt a lot/break your own wrist.
Wrapping tight wont fix this. Juet practise not doing this with normal wrapping/no wrap
I agree with fluffball, I would think that this would show up with wrist pain along your journey.

I guess my suggestion is to find a wall, get into your stance facing it and place your extended arm and fist against the wall with proper knuckle contact. Then lean into it and lift your lead leg off the ground.

You should feel your body weight shift forward and only the stability of your unwrapped fist, wrist, arm to keep you upright and not tipping to either side. That's where you're supposed to be structurally. Get comfortable with your wrist position and then just drill with the proper form.

all that said, disregard me if someone with more experience with gloves and taping says to do something else.

This is ggg fyi
Sometimes when headhunting i also punch down like that (with a little downward rotation at the wrist and hip for more torque). It is a little different than the normal cross. I feel that it packs more power than the cross

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Thanks guys. This last pic confused me a lot, honestly... should I fix it or not?
What if you try using classic bag gloves? The slip on types with the elastic straps. Fastest way to learn how to hit with a locked wrist.