wow how this person is allowed to cover ufc is crazy

What's worse is how the writer is in the comments making excuses for his shitty article
Sounds like my typical post on Sherdog. I see nothing wrong with it. Are you implying butch lesbians are bad TS?
Is this for real LMAO...if the writer is paid or sponsored in away for writing this..he or she should fired and not allowed to write anymore lol
Merica needs dykes TS for fuck sake,

Who'll make our porn?
They don't even post their name, just their @ handle. SMH to his whole damn article
What's worse is how the writer is in the comments making excuses for his shitty article
Not sure if it was this guy but mmamania is a joke. They posted some article about Ronda with the heading making it sound like she was returning to the UFC but it was trooling people so the writer could talk about her in the WWE. It even acknowledged in the article that that was his intention and he had done it before. How can you let someone write for you that tries to trick people and even acknowledges that his intention was to do that? That immediately made me never want to visit that site again.
This is what happens when professional wrestling fans cross over to MMA.

Being an MMA fan is better with a bag over your head.
dammit TS, that is a fan written article. Same as when one of us here in the sherdog forums starts a thread, that should never have been started... like this one.
We have things called forums for fans to write unfunny jokes on.

They don't need their own column.
this is what so called mma media is these days.

I think this person needs to find a new job.
dammit TS, that is a fan written article. Same as when one of us here in the sherdog forums starts a thread, that should never have been started... like this one.