Elections Wow, according to Kamala Harris, TDS is actually a real thing, but therapy might help

Oh, sure. :rolleyes: How many republicans have cast votes against Trump's agenda in the congress?? (You can't count the dead guy.) Just admit that today's GOP is a monolithic cult in thrall to Dear Leader.

Trump could cure cancer and you would argue he put pharmaceutical companies out of business

Trump could cure cancer and you would argue he put pharmaceutical companies out of business

Liberal love going to therapists. They are the only ones who will listen to their nonsense. Imagine coming out and saying Trump’s Election drove you to seek Psychiatric help and drugs.

Trump could cure cancer and you would argue he put pharmaceutical companies out of business
This whole thread shines a light on people like Homer Thompson and other leftist War Roomers.

If people didn't even know who was president, how many people do you think would notice anything different in their lives in the last 10 years? People's paychecks had a little less taken out in taxes and employment numbers are better now, but if you've been continuously working that entire time, not much has changed for you and you wouldn't even notice the difference if media outlets weren't gaslighting viewers.

This is something Ive believed for a while. I think Ive been looking at the complexities of it, mostly unsuccessfully with difficulty in making the point. You put it so perfectly understandable. The biggest thing is the unbelievable influence of media. Just straight bulldozing peoples minds.

I think significant governmental changes do occur, but its usually over much longer time frames than four years and has little to do with party affiliations. At least a generational thing and I think every generation has their era of dominance.

Trump would absolutely love if a mental disease directly caused by his existence was officially recognized. Theres something to it too sadly. However hes just another aspect of his generation. The children of tomorrow are truly the thing to be worried about and to be worried for.