Would you want there to be an afterlife?

Yeah. More than anything else I'd like to see my dogs again.
No, just another flea on the mudball. Grateful that I got to experience life for X amount of years and not be an inanimate piece of matter for all eternity.

Meh, being just a flea on a mudball sounds like a gyp to me. If I put in a days work, I would appreciate a days pay.
i'll take the cease to exist option please.....and in the real world,thats the one I'm getting.
Sad when you really think about it. One shot at life and a large part of it is so heavily influenced by factors beyond your control

very true. the worst part of it from my point of view is the absence of your consciousness. our body, was always a part of this world. so returning to it really makes sense. the air we breath has been recycled countless times, so the very air we breath returns to the world also. but our consciousness; thoughts, dreams, aspirations, emotions, experiences....all of those made us who we are and when we die, its gone or is it? those things were never material but came from our physical experiences. sure, they are just electrical and chemical impulses in our brains but those things dictated our lives. so much of this world has been changed because of human consciousness.

i wonder if our consciousness is a biproduct of energy; and since energy can neither be created, nor destroyed, our consciousness is transformed into something else
I sure hope there is. My belief is that your consciousness travels to the world of Zelda's Windwaker, and the sounds/songs play softly in the background on each island, the sun shining, and a light breeze over the bright blue oceans...forever more, forever more...

Look at the other way ..... What if you get there and half of them arent there ? How would that sit with ya ?

Also what if you get to heaven and it sucks and is boring ?

I think cease to exist sounds like a better option than eternity.

I also think reincarnation would be better

Guess I'll roll the dice brother. Most of my lost loved ones were good folks so I'm sure they found their way. IF in fact they are there heaven or a wherever wont be boring haha.
I would be fine with continual reincarnation.
The Christian version of heaven would fucking suck.

You really think god's gonna come to me and say "Congrats James, you fucking made it! Now get over here and snort this line of MDMA off this beautiful woman's ass!"
Would you want there to be an afterlife? Let's pick the Christian version since it's what we're most knowledgeable about.

If you're a good person, you go to Heaven.

If you're a piece of shit, you go to Hell.

Would you prefer this over ceasing to exist after dying?

What happens if u die and there is afterlife and then you kill yourself. Where do you go then??
You scoffed at me working for free though?

Well yea, if your doing it willingly. I may get nothing in the end, I can't call it. I have no idea what death will bring.

I'm just saying that I'd appreciate more of a reward for my service than mere nothingness.
What I would really want is some super sci-fi scenario where they can upload your consciousness into a computer world or something where you could do whatever you want and mold into whatever you can dream of. Like in that Dr. Who episode.
Having experienced nothingness for a few hours, I can attest to it. It is extremely scary.
Well, as someone who has experienced nothingness for billions of years before I was born, I can attest that it wasn't the slightest bit unpleasant to me.