would you rather shower at the gym in your socks

ooh no that's fucked up, I wouldn't eat those type of beans anyway, but this shit makes me wretch


I'd rather eat my gym shower socks
the socks would dry in a few hours because of body heat

no way would I take the bread

also, the stress from the wet socks could be drowned in glorious food like pizza or something
Ha jokes on you OP. Already eating soggy bread as a post workout.
the socks would dry in a few hours because of body heat

no way would I take the bread

also, the stress from the wet socks could be drowned in glorious food like pizza or something
Lucky you, you've obviously never had wet socks.
Actually now that I think of it I have, and it is pretty terrible :eek:, and they don't really dry for some reason. Maybe poor circulation to the feet or something.
fun fact: Until 2019, in the Navy, or Marines if serving on a naval ship, the UCMJ can still punish people by giving them access to 'bread and water' only for a period of up to 3 days....

as a form of Non Judicial Punishment. It was recently scrapped in Jan of 2019



Broken image, amigo.

Now that I think about it, they probably stay wet because shoes block air circulation from reaching them.

I'll just walk around in wet socks with no shoes til they dry u suckers.
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@Medulla Omoplata, are you locked in @Clippy's basement again?

Do you need saving? Or did Clippy promise to let you out for good behaviour?

What is up, dude? Keep us posted...