Would you rather be...................


Red Belt
Jul 28, 2013
Reaction score
Blind or a dwarf?

I just saw Peter Griffin ask this on Family Guy so i thought i ask it here. Now, will this thread be deleted, i wonder?

Come up with other 'would you rather be.....' questions.
Would you rather watch your parents have sex everyday for the rest of your life(no suicide), or join in once to make it stop?
Dwarf, and I'm 6'4. My eyesight trumps almost everything.
Able normative supremacy in 3, 2, 1...
Would you rather watch your parents have sex everyday for the rest of your life(no suicide), or join in once to make it stop?

fuuuccckkk thats the roughest one I have ever heard
Dwarf for sure. All my hobbies except listening to music require sight. None of them require being 6 feet tall.
Would you rather watch your parents have sex everyday for the rest of your life(no suicide), or join in once to make it stop?
If your parents are dead this dilemma becomes really easy.
Would you rather watch your parents have sex everyday for the rest of your life(no suicide), or join in once to make it stop?
You are one sick twisted individual lol
I'm 5'8 so by sherdog standards I'm already a dwarf. I'd have to keep the eyesight though. There's no way I'd want a helper sitting next to me describing Anal Goliath 7 to me. It wouldn't be the same.
Would you rather make out with a guy for 5 minutes or let him blow you...
I wonder how Tyrion Lanister would answer, if he was asked "Wood you like to be 6'4", but you'd be blind?"
This is a tough choice. I think Id rather be blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. He did not have it as rough.
Would you rather watch your parents have sex everyday for the rest of your life(no suicide), or join in once to make it stop?

I would have to go with join in once. Just rip that bandaid off and get it over with. Sure, you will be emotionally scarred for life. But that shit will happen if you have to watch them fuck every day, and you’ll still have to watch them fuck every day.
From what I understand dwarfism comes with a lot of other health complications. Blindness has one of the lower suicide rates that correlates to a loss of a sense, so I would choose to be blind. With some work, I could still work out and live a healthy life, enjoy my kids living their lives etc.

It would be pretty rough, employment wise because I work construction but dwarfism would probably fuck that up too.

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