Would you enact vengeance?


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
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If you're this person, would you just let it go or would you try to get even with your attackers?

Here's an update video. The very same teens tried to attack the same guy again

Open carry a .40 with front activated crimson trace. Will never happen again. I feel bad for that guy you know he doesnt want a problem and just wants to live his life. What a bunch of pussies.
so is this a hate crime? looks like it.
Well I woulda pepper sprayed them when he had the chance.
Open carry a .40 with front activated crimson trace. Will never happen again. I feel bad for that guy you know he doesnt want a problem and just wants to live his life. What a bunch of pussies.

I'd beat that ass.Fuck that hitting a minor is against the law shit.I've been sucker punched by a wannabe gangster in a movie theater.Never saw him again.But god,allah,budda whatev is gonna take care of him.
I would cause some terror if I knew where they lived. I wouldn't go digging for it though and waste long hours of my life.
No. Vengeance isn't a valid motive, it's an emotional response.

Not vengeance. Punishment.
Can't watch the vid from work. Break it down for me.

They don't show much other than the victim and the mayor. Basically some teenagers are going around trying to knock people out for fun. They succeeded with this 50 something year old guy and the mayor was the first one to find him. When they went to court, the 14 year old female witness didn't show up because she was intimidated and the prosecutor was forced to drop all charges. The boys all cheered and high fived each other. Not too long after, a couple of the boys cornered the guy again in a parking lot and were about to jump him again when he pulled out pepper spray and they ran.
Can't watch the vid from work. Break it down for me.

7 teenagers playing the knock out game. Broke some weak guys jaw and messed up his face punching him for no reason. Kids are set free when 13 yr old girl refuses to testify. Soon after teens are set free 2 of them follow the skinny weak guy they knocked out before and threaten him. He pulls pepper spray they run.
My favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo so that should answer your question.
I would prob smash a brick on the back side of their heads while waiting outside in front of their house. But I have this weird obsession with vengeance if something happens to me or one of my closests friends. If it would be one of my acquaintances i'd prob let them deal with it.
Well, if this guy was an anti-gun guy, maybe he's changed his mind.
Jesus H, this pisses me off. No offence to my fellow Americans who hail from the Gateway city of St. Louis, but that place is a dangerous shitehole. Especially East St. Louis.
I live in a borderline hood area (my neighborhood used to called "Little Vietnam" in the 80s, and I was one of the later waves of gentrification). Never personally been attacked, but have been burglarized 5 times (and knew who was doing it). My feeling is... put it this way, I looked up the laws in my state regarding "self defence" and at what point I could legally take out some muthafuckers w/out going to jail. Thankfully, it never came to that.

Here's a link for a list of the safest and most dangerous cities in the U.S. (unfortunately, my home city is on the bad side.)

My favorite is Clark W Griswold navigating East St. Louis in "Vacation"