Would you date Jouban or Rousey if you were a guy?

Jouban is 10 times prettier but I'm not into swordfights.
Rousey is sexy as hell. Have a baby by me baby, be a millionaire.
I don't mind weight cut Rousey. Or her money.
"Would you date Jouban"

"or Rousey"
Don't make me puke.

"if you were a guy?"
As if there were women on Sherdog.
WTF is this happy horse shit ?

It's almost Christmas... You know peace and goodwill towards eachother. All the rest.
Even though I hate Rousey she's still a woman and being the straight male that I am I'd have to pick Rousey. Now if it was between Rousey and Erick Silva on the other hand...